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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
all right so we’re going to show youguys let’s make some pancakes todaywe’re gonna be making some M&M pancakesso what you’re gonna need is a cup offlour a cup of milk blended egg twoteaspoons of sugar some I love some oilteaspoon of salt and a teaspoon ofbaking powder so we’re just gonna getall this and mix it on here alright sowhat you want to do first is mix up allyour dry ingredients so we’re gonnacheck to take the flour take the sugarall right take the salt and we’re goingto take the baking powder and we’regonna mix this up and make a little holein the middleall right so after you make a littlehole here for everything you want topour your milk you want to put in youregg and then you’re gonna put in youroil and then you want to mix this untilit all gets soft all right so after it’sall like this works is we’re making mmmpancakes we’re gonna put in the M&Ms andwe’re gonna put in about 1/4 so you justgo do however as you guys want dependshow much you like itso we’re gonna put this much right nowyou want to put it in here and thenwe’re just gonna mix it and you want toput it at a medium heat so you could putit in so now you’re ready to put yourpancakes here so now we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna butter up the griddle[Music]all right so now what you want to do istake all your batter pour it into a bagand what you’re gonna do it after youpour all of this in is just cut a holeat the corner and you’ll be ready tomake your pancakes you’re ready to makeyour start making your pancakes we’regonna we’re gonna finish making this oneoffokay and now you want to wait for oneside to get a little bit burn or cook tome so now after you read bout a coupleminutes the thing you’re ready to flipso now you want to make sure you grabthis at a make sure you don’t miss thisI’m not really good at thisyou want to flip it all right we’ve gotthis now you want to lower it low so itdoesn’t get burnt but all right so nowyou’re in the stage where you get tochoose what you want to put on the topso for us gonna put some sugar somesyrup and a little bit of whitechocolates on topall right so now after we have thesefinished products we’re gonna have ourfamily here try them give us they’regonna give us our opinion they’re gonnagive us a little opinion about what theythink about these pancakes all right allright so dig in so what’d you guys thinkgood they’re good yeahwould you buy them yeah we have themright now on to perform these where aremmm pancakes come into your store nearyou soon