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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome to my video today weare mean we will be making pancakes andso right now if you guys don’t have oneof these umpan things that’s fine you can just usea normal pan but so how are you this isso you need 2 cups of if you guys havethis yeah and then if you have 2 cups ofthis quick mix so 2 cupsyou’d be pretty accurate when you dookay put that to the side once you putin your two and now you put in one cupof[Music]almost a cup okay so now sign and thenwe take the other side and we just crackit later and next stir the ingredientsuntil blended you have someone’s bottomyou can see them oh okaythree teaspoons I’m pretty sure of sugarcane it says when it has the capital andthe be there[Music]one two three three tablespoons of thatokay now next is one piece two teaspoonsand prettier tablespoons of vegetableoil so now you can use your bluffingone found a tablespoon or a teaspoonokay does it say tablespoon or teaspoontablespooncan you already out of it okay so youneed three of these then to make onetablespoon so go ahead and just try tomake try not to waste it if you can helpit toonice and slowthree and then another and then I putthat in then I’ll just stop and I’ll putthat in thereokay yeah-oh the vegetable oil is intherenext is the one teaspoon of vanillaextract so now you need the places he’sbeen backthey’re making stir up now you stiruntil it is fully fully blendedthe temperature is about 350 Fahrenheityesso no course slightly less than 1/4 cupsoil into a hot grease griddle it’s hotit’s greased so you’re going to can I dowant to show you yes it’s hot be carefulmy mom is going to show you how to putit on so there’s a little bit less thatI’m going to kind of wait for the dripsto go and we may have to still add moreit’s really hot turn it down to 300 thisone’s way too hot you’re gonna watch forbubbling a little bit especially aroundthe outside and when the outside startsgetting a little bit Bolin okay so we’vegot one pancake on and we can fit maybeso you just gotta wait for a little bitand see whenever the sides are going tobe gold in a little bit so you can flipit over so tip him up just a little bitand kind of peek underneath them and seeya there okay so yeah you might want tocite him under a little bit cuz he’sgonna break apart so what you do is youjust kind of restart it if you can he’snot gonna be much okay so he’s not thathe’s just a practice one he’s now gotpretty good dogs you want it goldenbrown though still because if you if youdon’t really want it[Music]okay why don’t you get another quartercup there so you put that to the sideand get another quarter cup and you’regonna want to let you want more thanthatalmost a quarter cup takeout and thenyou’re let it sit for just a second todrip and sometimes you do get bad aroundstuff and you’re gonna want to pour thatMadeline probably right about there holdit come out maybe maybe you okay justhold it in one spot for it there you gookay sorry okay you’re gonna pour the mepour more in there there the next timebut it’s okay you know one check thispancake he won’t let me underhe’s my as Oldham Verona’s that side buthey them sit for a little bit justsometimes you just have to do thisthere you go that sign needs quicklymore to you okay so why don’t you goahead and get another one on here andyou’re gonna put him like right therethere you’re not quite maybe right aboutthere okay how about I give you that Ican do this while you’re checking theother ones okay that’s okay the drips onthere a little bit okay ready take itI’m just kind of let it all come outkeep pouring pouring okay just like thatand spongebob how about we just pouranother one here okay your main portyeah down here you have to be a littlemore careful cuz there’s not a littlespell you want to try not to get it downin there pecan well sometimes they comeclose to the side I don’t know why wouldthey would decide to do that nice can Icheck this one huh should go back up inour temperature yeah I changed mine tooI changed agrees to 350 Fahrenheitbecause it wasn’t it cooking as much Ithink he’s readybut check this you think that’s goodenough I’m gonna sit for another minuteor so but you can just find that reallyhappy temperature really good you wantto make it look like kind of like thison the side be careful be careful it itburnsdon’t touch it right whenever you get itout like I did cuz it burns your fingersa little bit okay that’s probably enoughgolden brown but well it did not likedid you slid you go okay now maybe checkthe other since we increased thetemperature that was our second while wedid he’s probably good okay I want totry to get him more on your special cannow this is a big one I don’t know ifI’m gonna miss it well and it’s okay ifthey start to slide don’t push them downtoo much if they start to slide but theside will help you pick him up but whatthis guy’s so big you might want to gethim this way that way if he slidesyou’re sliding I can use that and thenplay oh he was a good boy so maybe trypicking him up on this side if you gosome way that’s okay you just need anice unique squish because it’ll push alittle bit on there okay he’s gonnabreak up over we don’t wanna go okay sothese are our pancakes right now if youwant to make more than what we’re makingwe probably are disturbing but someonemom is just checking them a little bitdown can you do itokay well this guy was Bert I think thisis probably me have you flipped him overto see me feel sometimes just failinghim lets me know okay yeah you alreadydo this see goodso we have this all we’re making we’regonna use the batter okayhe’s in luck todayI just like eat him on the floor eat himon the floor eat him I’m gonna checkthis big one just pulling up on the sidea little bit see how he’s turn up theamount that’s a beautiful one I thinkyou can you want your special as flat asyou can get it okay now you don’t wantto be in a huge hurry he’s balanced youjust kind of take him up like I didn’tmean meOh where’d he go he’s oh hey check thisone mm-hmm try not to hit the other onesyou can check him you shouldn’t flipthem okay okay yeah okay that one’sgonna probably need it can see how muchbubbles he’s got it’s a good sign thathe’s done to flip he’s bigger you don’tto be in a hurry just nice and easy okayyeah he’s right in the middle okay we’rejust gonna let em set firmers are prettygood because I kept touching is that allthe bettersee how he’s still a little nut cartright there yeah where you just gottakeep that little spike you might wannacheck those guys see if we need to flipthem one more time okay let him sit juston that second minute I would check himbut he needs to cook a little on theinside you want something just make surehe’s not burning yeah you flip it backoverkay one night when you check them allyou really need to do is do this kind ofa thing no more time these are verybeautiful things so all the betterare we gonna use more better they aregoing my sister and my mom are going tobe our taste testers okay I think he’sdown to one top left feel nice and firmI didn’t I just repeating Kapaun thebomb he’s good I thinkHeythis sounds he’s done oh good I reallymiss good I just saw the edge okay thesetwo can go right that’s probably yourlast few over here on the side this timeso you can keep an eye on himwe need blueberries you can put whateveryou want on these pancakes cuz your yourpancakes but we’re just going for theoriginal and just having the pancakeswith syrup and your blueberries andstuff I thought that was gonna be likeseven more cream no it’s like 20[Music]I just wanted to watch you make onethey’re all like the same size those Iget to smile Oh plea you’re sayingthey’re nice but she gives us more thanjust one boy a video camera comes on anidiot taster it’s lunch time I lost it’snoon okay this one probably needschecked they should want him I say heneeds one so you’re safe from trying toget him in from all the way the best youcan do that specialist far in there tokeep okay I don’t trust myself I’m justgonna take him and try to get him outthere ready this guynow since this one that’s this long youmight want to come in this way yeah okaynow these need done okay so now we gotall this we’ve got almost good these arefor the dogs we have three dogs theseare for humans humans okay check him seeif he’s ready to come off yes make sureyou wash your hands before you make allof this if you didn’t thenbut if you’re making this for yourselfyou still probably need to wash yourhands butyeah wait can I scramble them I willalso be showing you how to scramble eggokay okay we’re done with the pancakesgrab your where’s the aether there’s themeasuring cup thing we need four eggs inthere it’s to traffic clothes people andgot two eggs leftanyways you want to add four eggs intothis so that was my second egg oh nowe’re gonna I got an egg show[Music][Music]so we’ve got three eggs in here youwanna be as gentle as you can and don’tlike squeeze them squeeze the eggshellswhenever you put it in or else stableand then you take a fork just stir itaround you want all those eggsall right yellow eggs just kind of seehow there’s like some weird oh yeahanyways whenever you’re done mixing that[Music]there is butter in the pan make surethat thereis butter in the pan sprays like thespray that we ought to use for this butusing butter okay and then okay so Ijust poured all the eggs into a panuntil you need two plates in a minuteit’s almost overyou guys can skip through the boringparts which are you doing mm-hmmso my mom is cooking the egg for whatyou said egg eggs well my my mom iscooking all the eggs and so you so youcan do it by yourselfare you taking over and see the prettypancakes that you’re going to put on theplateokay okay so you can so we have all thepancakes here very beautiful oh and youcan see Cosmo we have all these tinylittle pancakesand I will be posting more YouTubevideos for cooking and other things sothis will not be my last video ofcooking have you guys rather than justcrack the eggs right but some of you mayknow that you need to put salt andpepper wait do you have to to your tasteit’s your taste it’s your eggs so youdon’t have to if you don’t want to putin salt I make a salt and pepper insidethere outside of the eggs cook and ifyou just if you want scrambled whichwe’re having then my mom right now isnow taking that you want to do thetesting can I feed the dogs and then youmake a mess just like that and thenyou’re done and there’s just there’syour food for the day swordwash thank you for watching and pleaseplease like and subscribe and commentdown below what’s your favorite lunchchoice if you even eat lunch but thankyou for watching bye