This recipe can serve between 2 – 4 people:
1 1/2 cups of Self raising flour
1/2 a cup of Sugar
1 teaspoon of Baking Power
1 1/2 cup of Milk
2 eggs
1 Table spoon of melted butter
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys welcome back to my channelwelcome to the first youtube episode ofkuku it Muriel there’s a beautiful eventmr. Graham you know that I like to likecook and I like to show you guys some ofthe things that I make so that we canall like improve our skills because thisa mom I’m not a chef like this I am NOTa chef most of the time when I makesomething and I show you guys I’m makingit for the first time because I want tolike improve my skill but I was likesure you guys like different stuff tomake because it’s not everyday aboutit’s never day I’m gonna like I do loveI’m gonna hearing that but like I liketo I want to have a diverse palette I’mgonna have a diverse skill in terms ofcooking art abilities make Chinese foodI want to make babes with Indian foodI’m able to make English food as well asmy culture food so today I’m gonna sharewith you guys my pancake recipeI love making pancakes because myperfect woman were growing up he’sfavorite things to have his pancakes soI made sure that I learned how to makepancakes in honor of him so I’mdedicating this video to him charity andalso if you hear any noise don’t bealone my son like a bar fight they knowthat struggle for their life no no no noit’s just my mom watching TV you know Iforgot mom you don’t surf um recipe allyou need is literally six sixingredientsthat’s all you need I’m gonna show youguys my sis six ingredients making theperfect pancake and trust me you willnot be disappointed okay so let’s checkout what the ingredients are for the sixingredients we need less of the good dryingredients we have one and a half cupsof self-rising flour 1/2 a cup of sugarpreferably granitas sugar preferably twoEnglish preferably granite granulate onefull teaspoon of baking soda and thenfor wet ingredients we have one and ahalf cup of milk the milk and the flourshould basically be the same ratio thereason why I’m usingalmond milk if you can see I’m using ahot on a poor I’m using almond milkbecause I remember it actually tastesbetter than normal milk but if you haveknown any meat on your hardwood work orfor this recipe I’m using almond milkcharles darnay for giving me that tip 2eggs and 1/4 TSP of melted water this isvery important this butter helps you frythe package properly that is literallyall you need 6 ingredients one of theproblems that people face when makingpancakes as when mixing the ingredientsaside they find that they penny hard tomix the ingredients properly because itgets along peep this method I’m going touse is gonna help you make sure thatwhen you’re mixing your weight on yourdry ingredients it doesn’t get lumpy sofirst thing I’m gonna take my two eggswhen Adam just on a mixing bowl there’snothing there I’m gonna add them and[Music]this funny looking with with englishmiriam whisk that’s it hot so I’m gonnamix my eggswell once my eggs are mixed I’m going toadd my 1 fruity tablespoon of buttermelted for that as you add everythingmix next I’m gonna add my 1 on 1/2 cupof almond milk I’m gonna start adding mywhip my dry ingredients firstly I wantto add my baking powder to my flour andthen mix it so that all the bakingpowder will be incorporated in the flourbecause that’s where we needed thereason why we add baking powder isbecause we want the pancake to rise wewill not have a nice fluffy pancake soI’m gonna use this whisk to mix ityou just make sure that you mix as youbrush your atom you mix and mix you mixnow this recipe having said this recipecan serve up to two to three people nowI’m gonna add my sugar this is half acup of sugar next and that is it that’sactually all the ingredients six secretingredients and you’ve made the perfectbutter now before we start frying andput the things to note first thing isyou have to put it on medium to low heatI have this on four and it goes up tosix so for is like the best medium tolow heat although I’m going to reduce itonce I stop crying also in terms of oilyou do not need a lot some people put itover your back the old battle oil likeyour back is more necessaryhandle so all you need to literally likea drop of oil which is really notrequired but put a drop of oil and getsome kitchen towel and just clean offtrust me you do not need any oil forthis you will see as I go alongso this is already getting hot I’m goingto use this spoon I have my butter yeah[Music]the best way for you to know if yourpancake is ready is you see this bubblesare such a fun once this bubble start toform and describe it of them then it istime to flip so it’s very important thatyou put around the sides just lifting itup a little bit until you feel it’sready to do flipsas you can see I do not need oil that’sall for this it’s fine perfectly and youhave it simple perfect color perfectlyround pancakes let me know if you likethis recipe let me know if you’re goingto try this recipe let me know if youtried itshare your package with me on Instagramif you don’t follow me on instagramthere’s my Instagram I want to know ifyou guys are actually gonna make it andalso making with your friends make withyour family I make it for your family inthe surprise babe break fast in therenot bad anyways um thank you guys forwatching if you like this recipe pleasegive it thumbs up I mean if you want tosee more or more cookin on my channelthank you guys for watching and I willcatch you in my next video[Music]