Pancakes Recipes

How To Make Pancakes Pancake American Pancake Recipe Style

2 eggs
50g sugar
50g butter
250ml milk
200g wheat flour
15g baking powder
10g vanilla sugar
1/2 tsp salt

Milk and eggs at room temperature.
Eggs with sugar whipped until the sugar is completely dissolved,
until mass lighten and increase in volume.
Butter melted in a frying pan, fire should be small, s
o that the Butter not burn.
To mix the dough use a cooking spoon.
Fry pancakes on a well heated pan with Butter or Panspray
Frying the pancakes bubbles appear, this means the dough is done in right way.
Serve with honey, oro caramel sauce or marple syrup.

Have a Nice Day and Enjoy Tasty Pancakes

Original of the video here

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