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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys it’s Emory and today we will bemaking pancakes so what we’re gonna needis 1 cup of all-purpose flour 1tablespoon of sugar 1 teaspoon of bakingpowder 1/2 a teaspoon of salt 1/2 ateaspoon of baking soda and then 1 cupof buttermilk 1 egg 1/4 cup vegetableoil and two tablespoons of water solet’s just get started to get like thissmall bowl it doesn’t have to be too bigand if you if you want to make a biggerbatch just double all the stuff alrightso first we need flourI set nothing out before you can putaway your 1 cup of this because we won’tneed this we will be doing for abuttermilk one of these because gottaseparate here okay next we have 1tablespoon of sugaron how to make okay so we got theteaspoon of baking powder let’s get someiodized salt kosher salt or whatever oryou can like or you can get like thisokay so we need 1/2 of a teaspoon it’stime to take whatever your stovewhatever you’re using so we just didsalts we need 1/2 tablespoon baking sodaokay now we need a now we could put thispool to the side with all of our angryactually that’s like and nowokay and legs but now mom’s up so nextwe need 1/4 cup of vegetables vegetableoil[Music]okay okay so next we’ve gotta get somewaterso it’s just teaching the people how tomeet now they know[Music][Music]I’m greatkeep your 1/4 a cup because you’reactually[Music]when you can makeand how to tell when they’re ready fortheir first for their foot they they’rethe edges are dry on the outsidejust about readylast night and we have really goodpancakes they were deliciousand if they’re too light then you canjust flip them back over the secondperson a few times likestillso you can choose from first step firstup for me to cook you can choose from[Music][Applause][Music][Music]so they should look dry rimpancakes freeze pancakes for these catsget into your mom realized yesterdaythat Easter was super soon three dayspork I couldn’t get milk on the onlineorder – if you’re gonna live anywhere inthe world any place in the world wherewould it be Newcastle Australiaseriously you couldn’t live at all andno or I would go I wanna meet famouspeople