how to make pancakes from scratch
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Video Transcription
hello today I’m be showing how to makethe most tasty delicious and easy tomake pancakes you can make straight fromout of you ingredients from yourfrigerator are you gonna need is 3 I’msorryone and a half cups of all-purpose flourthree and a half cups of baking powder 1teaspoon of salt one teaspoon of sugar 3tablespoons of butter recommend this oneand it could be melted butter and if youdon’t have melted butter it can also beone tablespoon of oil along with thatwe’re gonna add 2 cups of milk 1 egg andthat’s the easiest way we create thesepancakes stay for my refrigeratorbreakfast is not only the most importantmeal of the dayit’s also the most sweetest and mostenergizing meal you can have persons notonly bakes the faster you have lastnight from when you slept and alsorecreates the energy that you lost forthe daily tasks that you have throughoutyour day so the first thing you want todo is add all your dry ingredients inthe bowl and make sure they mix them alloneonce you have that mix well you want tocreate a well in the center so you canadd your one egg the egg does not haveto be scrambled so once you have youregg in their place you can slowly startadding your milk once you start any milkyou can start mixing and mix mix tillyou don’t have any lumps or if by anychance you have your better reallywatery one recommendation you can add isall-purpose flour do not add bakingpowder as I effects the outcome of thebaking for the pancakes so once you haveall that done wanna mix very very well Iwill do this for about 60 seconds tillyour batter comes out like thisnice day walk consistentremember if it does not come out thickor if it comes out lumping we need toadd more flour too thick too much flourtoo watery not too much flour likeGoldilocks just right so once you’redone mixing you can also add anycondiments that you want for me I liketo add strawberries strawberries arevery healthy now what I also like to dois I like to grab my stick of butter andcreate that nice buttery milk effect nowwhen you have your batter you want pourit in slowly just to create enough of acircle perfect that’s the butter creasethat nice buttery topping we can seewe can see how well they went around thepancake your stove to low make sure youhave it up to four of these have yourovenI mean stove skillet Freesat preheatedto 350 degreeswell I what I like to do is have my setadd to and wait about three minutes andthat should be equal to at least 350 to400 degrees he now when two pancakes arebubbling around the edges you wait andwait until you have your finishedproduct right here nice well golden balmfor the top and your favorite condimentsmy favorite condiment strawberrypancakes right eat right between theenergized throughout the day help mekeep me motivated throughout school andbe ready this is how to make a pancakeby axel mightiness