Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music]you will be meeting some they’ll getbettermade by milk eggs daddy fix and you mixhim all togetheryou got this we have your pancake batterover here now we just go to the stoneand now you will just know[Music]I’ll be right back okay Oh Kai don’t gowe forgot the toywhat are you okay no that’s enoughthat’s all I’m gonna say to herthen you just spread it around thoughtsyou can see a little bit of oil if youcan okay okay then you have to stop thestew okay press this button if you haveat this and so wait one second we’recoming with it so you see right backokay okay you will see this fire startedthere so we need a packet butters no notlike thatkids remember you don’t put it from thecontainer easy way okay no Joey G iskind of you know chef to EJ’s rocksoh then you know then seven and that’sokay so let’s do G oh we need a speculumokay I must still pancake makeup die Ican’t do this to fame and in a bubblesOh to the bubble okay so so it swingsoh now you have this perfect pancake wejust made a little bit smaller so nowit’s designed it’s time for decoratingare using Hershey syrup you can usehoney or maple syrup okay make sure tosubscribe to this channel and hit thatnotification button and I will see youall next time in my next video bye