Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to my channelplease subscribe comment and like if youhaven’t already so today I made theseamazing pancakesall by myself and I’ve always wanted tomake perfect pancakes like the east likemy dad but I always I usually make minewith one egg flour and milk sometimes Iput in sugar and then it all turns intothat yellow stuff first I never addedmilk until I did then it look nice and Ifeel who’s going to be like like thesebut it wasn’t I tried so many thingsnothing work until today my dad madepancakes last night so – eight milk andflour and you make payment obviously butdo wasn’t even seen each other sousually if the Zips of the pancakemixture we don’t make pancakes butdoodle is making my pancake oh it alwaysturns into a Miss right it’s myscrambled pancakes but then blends withsomething on the table imagine thatchanged my sight all the time I need topractice and can you guess what thatsecret ingredientstop it there she saw this in the tableand she said one if you use this it’sjust playing and then you try it on mynext I need work amazing undo itit’s hard to put on the lid so yeah thesecret ingredient is bright book and toAIDS and clue close itthe kitchen is quite a Miss no block toomuch done yeah I hope you enjoy its fewminutes if you have already enjoy andChris about bats