Pancakes Recipes

How to make Pancakes Easily| Adenike vlog

Pancake is one of the snack foods that can be made easily at home. This video shows a step by step illustration of making pancakes easily at home for yourself and loved ones. ENJOY!!!

2cups Flour
4tbsps Sugar
1tsp Baking Powder (Optional)
1/2tsp Salt
2 Medium Sized Eggs
1cup Milk
4tbsp Melted butter
1tsp Vanilla flavour

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Video Transcription

hello guys welcome back to my channelthank you for cheating and guys thankyou so much for the love and support youshowed me my last video thank you forthe likes of a comment for thesubscriptions guys thank you thank youthank you and here you are New Yearwelcome to our daily cam looks you’regonna have a good time here so guys inthis month I’ll be uploading lifestylecontent would you really takeyou know snack foods I can easily makeat all are we putting this content everyweek so guys you are in for a good goodgood good time today I’ll be thinking onhow to make pancakesnot just pancakes I mean full of wheatpartly before we get into the videoif you’re subscribed click on thesubscription button right now and alsoon diversification though besidesefficient water so now when I have newup flow to be notified and you can watchthem almost immediately so guys let’sget rightso for my dry ingredients how they usingtwo cups of flour my flowers alreadybeen saved four tablespoons of sugarone teaspoon of baking powder bakingpowder is optional and a fat teaspoon ofsalts mix the dry ingredients togetherthen set it aside for my wet ingredientsI’ll be using so medium sized eggs beatthe eggs together gently then add oneteaspoon of vanilla flavor just to giveit a nice flavor add four tablespoons ofmelted butter I protect my butter tomelt it and lastly had a cup of milk andmix it together gently pour the wetingredients gradually into the dryingredients and mix thoroughly until thebatter is smooth on low heatcoat your pan with some melted buttermost preferably use a nonstick pan thenpour in your butter gently allow it tosit in the pan so you start seeingbubbles flip the pancake and keepflipping it till you get your desiredlevel of Grodin of golden brownishcrusts repeat the process until you aredone with all your butter so guys trythis recipe at home and do not forget togive this video a thumbs up abitalexplanatory enough also subscribe andclick on the notification bill so thatwhen I drop new content like this you’llbe notified bye guys[Music]

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