Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
so tonight um I’m gonna be making somestuff on the backs and all the hips butbefore doesn’t make me smash thatsubscribe let’s take that like buttonand hit that make sure you leave somecomments so I’m saying godson’s I missto YouTube and Facebook so today todaywe’re gonna cook them last night overthere and I’m gonna cook with me manso what we have blue green goop off okayand then we have these things so hugepancakes so you just kinda you know butthey have to be open than a bear andthen we might open some on this and youdo not have to do these pillows that Ihave feel just for fun but if you wantto so all I kind of did you don’t haveto do the bottles you can just in onebig circle but we wanted to do thebottlecuz it really to do this with but so ohso what we are did is just if you wantto get these bottles but if you don’tyou just dip normal pan cake mix in theball and then squirt coming through thenbut um we you I know you guys move ondown to the video but let me do thisreal quick so we see is the bottom justbeep it and then miss gunns video realquick I’ll show my dad real quick I knowyou really want ganga video here it higuys I’m showers dad we’re up with somebacon on this thing[Music]alright guys so over here and if youwould write on your brother visit pleasesoap on towers boy you can get see thatguys we are about some football baconoverif you[Music][Music][Music][Music]so if you want to mix rubbery based inyou just don’t let it cook that[Music]all right guys all the bacon off[Music][Music]we’re gonna do the eyes or the body[Music][Music][Music]so just you guys can make your pick acure just want to tell you our next stepon you and your goals and you’re makingyour pancakes you can scrub all overKentuckywhat biggest things – and stuff likethat you can use their photos if youwatch whether you want and you just theboard get a big scoop on you guysbreakfast for dinner is soul