How to make pancakes (5 stars)
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Video Transcription
guys welcome back to my youtube channeltoday we are going to be as you canprobably guess we’re going to be makingsome pancakes 5 starsand this is the materials that you needexcept for this milk you little andyou’ll need this and so you’re going todo one of these large black spoon likethis or maybe one of these maybe one ofthese yeah and you don’t need once youknow how you buy the box of pancakesright here it comes with something likethis and you make the batter so firstyou would want to make the batter I’mstrong and yeah so I’m saying you needthis is butter flavored nonstick andcooking spray you want to open it andthen spray it spray it on stove thingyand yeah I’ve already done that so firstwell I all that was and then start atone corner remember that when you’redoing it like thisdon’t do it up high and because it mightlike go somewhere else instead of thatspot you want it to make and you want togo in andalso when you’re taking the scoops ofthe batter make sure that like if youwant a little like take a little likethis if you want like like a sizepancake like that one it is or if youwant a look like a big one like that onemaybe take like maybe a little like thisso so that’s when you know like how bigyour pancakes can be[Music]as you can see we have six I mean sevenpancakesShawn so yeah so we’re going after waitfor it take media will the back whenit’s done heating up okay guys so wewaited a little low so the pancakes toolike heat up and everything so oncethey’re done like heating up for alittle you want to take one of thesespatula thingies like like that makethem flip over and you’ll have tocarefully do it like that like thatcarefully flip them it’s like thatyeah so just on you’ve waited for themlike when I took the batter on there I’dsay you wait a little like the sameNutella there like it’s like theunderwater is what it looks like thattoo and out you’ll know when they’rereadyand yeah that’s animate on pancakes alsoif you’re trying to pick out a box ofpancakes at the store I prefer this onelike King Arthur Flour right hereessential goodnesscloud9 pancake mix all right for thatone I really like it and I use a lotthanks for watching please remember tolike and subscribe make that redsubscribe button gray bye have a niceday