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Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]so these are greasethere’s manacles we’ve been using ohlook at thatso you’ll need some a little bit ofbutter right so didn’t it sounds like anold buttery or in just like this meetthe Porta better in here it goes wellI’m not eating this with breakfast bumpshere are some extras important[Music][Music][Music]you might also want to know these arethe bonuses for the pancakes the handsof one man for syrupy have berries yeahwhat ice cream have it first even knowif it’s me then stop stop then don’t putblueberries in in your pants hexaneElvan you don’t have to put blueberriesin it nicelyI bagged as my blueberries it’ll doesn’tmatter but you can choose whatever youwants to put in it it was mantras andsome yet and now here is you can haveany type of item and yeah they put meyeah gallon that it doesn’t know that itdoesn’t have to be what we have and putenough for net wash your hands firstbefore you eatno wash your hands first so just keepthe safe of the class will wash the hatsmiss you everyday it up man you knew alady so we’re gonna wash our hands[Music][Music]wash your hands 20 seconds a day accountfor him one two three four five sixseven eight nine ten eleven twelvethirty forty fifty sixty seventy eightyninety twenty that’s it yeah[Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music]and the bowl of ice creamMary moo-cow revenue why don’t I go grabno cause I know it’s just butter okayjayna look at that it’s a bunch ofbutter you might be it’s ice cream[Music]homemade pancakesthat we use all the buddy huh oh my godso this is my pancake I know it’sBehrens sorry about thatwe’re gonna get you from all thetoppings what you taste them if youchoose everything you want in yourpancake yeah like I said ice cream fansalways amaze[Music][Music]what you add whatever and now I’m gonnaadd some blueberries to overdoes like ohhey berries name so I’m gonna add someice cream and one loves ice creamgive me as food pleasehow’s it spoon what a get an ice icebaby to employ to be more imperfectwe’ll go to jaiidaddy cold hero WowI see it’ll do a better one and I’mgonna add some ice cream I tried it thismorning it’s so good pancake to escapesperfect wine it’s gonna be so babe someice cream isn’t my pink do you like it[Music]needs to be very careful he is actuallyI’ll show you seen chicken ice cut seemaybe it’s just what’s just one that wasprobably elephant’s house broken[Music]he’s my[Music][Music][Music]