Pancakes Recipes

How to make pancake using flying saucer maker

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[Music]hi guys I’m Kelli and this is my goshyeahon today’s video we are going to makepancake using Flying Saucer later mygrandmother said it was a decade olderthan me so it means time these flightsof the maker is 18 years old but we willtry if it will work so all we need forthis is fun techniques you can use anybrand of pancake mix so we need 2 eggs 1cup of water and butter and the bowlwith our spatula so let us go start guysoh I forgot we have our toppings ofchocolate now we are going to put it ontop of our punky[Music][Music][Music][Music]now we are done making our pancakesusing flying saucer later[Music][Music]

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