Princess Safa’s amazing videos
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
to my channel then I’m gonna show youhow to make a vanilla pancake you willbe thinking what happened to my voiceyes due to the score – I got ash not yetcold but I drank cold water and keep itto squat down would not be sad becauseit’s today’s 7 p.m. my new video isgonna come up how to make fluffypancakes the ingredients is wire of 3 to4 cups made up butter required 1 cup or1/2 cup Andy if you don’t have butteryou can use key or don’t even use gheeor butter you can use oil but it’s forthe super fluffy pancakes you have tohave butter or ghee and very license orif you want chocolate pancakes cocoapowder I am not having cocoa powder so Iwant to make Manila pancakes a la Indianmai de relicense you can use ice creamessence I am using the band flying butIndian gr with AMG also you can – DesiGhee here we have your oven premium milkI’m gonna use half bucket here we haveanother s on one ad for a pancake[Music]servants are luckily give the servantsand oncology my video is involved a halfto make but then two other believersguys don’t forget like a new job and somany responsibilities fighters likeworking in sales bringing home then alsoin Colorados images of the 7 p.m.survived a holiday to prepare my directmilk availableshe knows illegally it smells like rice[Music]for the world didn’t CP mu M diour water[Music]yeah I finished my walk[Music]now it’s time only one air like the eggwhiteyou go see only a whileand I have my ice cream I think I justshowed youI have to put the afternoons I told it’sawful but we have 2x among good eyesinnocence I added to she held me inwithin my egg cupand now you guys can add yourcooperative nunchakus entitiesI don’t want if you don’t have cocoa podoversleeping add little boost and coffeeAdomianyou see I have my floor like it’s badthis all right[Music]I would be tough main sugar for my honeywhat I have my maple syrup but a new hat[Music]go down[Music][Music]it’s time to mix it back so what does itfast you guys can also use handsome butI don’t want to use a heart attack sohere we have a mixture I added a littlewater in it you guys should add butterin this state a penis so let’s do keepup and ready now I’m taking my mixtureyou know it’s up manso I’m gonna preheat the pan and ghee orbutter all this stuff and I have my gheeover here you have to add butterinterstate heading 1 and 1/2 spoonand I have autism hand over ice visahand hand for turn flip are fulfillingour pancakes mixture into the pan oneanother and also and mother tooI’m giving it a round shape and it’s notcoming it gets fun picking up a bigspoon bit spoon big schools with a spoonit’s not hereokay I’m keeping my I have my band geekspoon[Music][Applause]I’m going to flip it off oh my god it isawesomeyou see you have to press charges andfor volume and I’m keeping it like the30 secondsI got package here and now I keep it Ihave all good like that we have to putup all packetsI’ve used this container so it has sobig it’s not perfect but I’m a kid so Idon’t need