Today we’re making the ultra trendy PANCAKE CEREAL! All ingredients and RECIPE BELOW!
Pancake Cereal Recipe
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 cup milk
2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
1 large egg
cooking spray, for frying pan
maple syrup
Make the pancakes:
1. Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl. In a larger bowl, combine the milk, butter and egg and whisk until fully combined. Add the dry ingredients and whisk together, but make sure not to overmix. Some lumps are fine!
2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and spray with cooking spray. Dollop teaspoons of batter onto the frying pan and smooth the surface with the spoon. Cook until the surface of the pancakes develop some bubbles, about 1 minute. Flip and cook for an additional 1 minute, or until the surface has browned. Continue with the rest of the batter.
1. Pour the pancakes into a cereal bowl. Top with butter and maple syrup.
2. Enjoy!
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Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription
how low my bunnies and welcome backtoday we’re making a tiny recipe we aremaking some pancakes cereal so I believethis started on a tick-tock butbasically it is super mini pancakesplaced in a bowl top with butter anddrizzled with maple syrup like how muchfun design sound so let’s get startedokay so first we’re going to make thepancakes of course so you want tocombine the flour sugar baking powderand salt in a bowl and in alert a bowlcombine some milk butter and an egg andwhisk until fully combined I’ll have allthe ingredients and quantities listed inthe description box down below so don’tworry about iteverything is typed down there just foryou add the dry ingredients and whisktogether but make sure not to over mixjust heat a frying pan over medium heatand spray it with cooking spray and Ilike to fold up a paper towel and kindof awake the pan down just so that thecooking spray is nice and even over thesurface you don’t have to do that butthat’s just like something that I pickedup and then instead of spooning a largedog like regular pancakes you’re goingto grab a teaspoon doesn’t have to belike a teaspoon of measuring spoon butjust a small spoon and place littledollops all over your frying pan andyou’ll know that they’re ready to flipwhen the surface looks a little bit dryand when the bubbles have written to thetop and the bubbles have burstand then something over it’s hard withthe large spatula so I use like a littlemini cake decorating spatula but likechopsticks or something little woodenskewers would work too I thinkmaybe wait a minute or so and it’s stillthe other side hunt and nicely brownedand then just pop them into a bowl andcontinue on a log in your factor so itcan be kind of tiresome this recipe madeway more many pancakes and it does aregular sized pancakes so I ended upmaking one full cereal bowl of minipancakes and then an additional six likemedium sized pancakes because I’ve lostmy mind and I’m like this and I freaking- but if you’re gonna use the better tomake like all mini pancakes I think itwould make like two cereal bowls worstappropriate measuring like and then itto serve it just spoon at you or apancake into your bowl top it with alittle piece of butter and then drizzlesome maple syrup on top you don’t wantto use too much maple syrup because Ifeel like the pancakes are just gonnaabsorb it all and it’s gonna be likesugar bombs in your mouth a fun fact myboyfriend who is listening to this as Irecord so I’m sorry for shading you onnine Markab but he eats the normalpancakes like this I promise like in thelast week because we’re singing togetherdrink morning so he puts like regularpancakes in a bowl and then like drownsthem in maple syrup so comment downbelow if you’re like are you hearingwhat I’m doingoh he gives it all of all he hasa fun surprise when you watch this videoanyway yeah so I never look tell me howmuch maple syrup you like and you aredone I always had to find a way to likeslip that little ending video so thankyou so much for watching your hope thatyou liked this recipe if there any other20 recipes that you would like me to tryit doesn’t leave them in the commentsdown below there are so many trying tomake things coming out lately I feellike cuz everyone’s at home andeveryone’s being creative so if there’sanything that you would like me to tryplease let me know because it’s reallyreally fun to make these things anyway Ilove you guys so much I hope you arestaying safe and I’ll see you guys onThursday for a Mother’s Day recipe it’sreally really cute and if you like rosesor if your mom likes roses then it’sperfect for you damn ugly I said