Pancakes Recipes

how to make Pancake- (Breakfast Special)

This simple routine i do in the morning, it is satisfying and it is simple.
2 cups All-Purpose Flour
2 teaspoons Baking Powder
3 teaspoons sugar
1 egg
2 cups milk
1/4 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
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[Music][Music][Music][Applause]hey everyone welcome back to anothervideo so today I’ll be making pancakesI’m gonna show you what I’ll be havingfor breakfast today so I’ll be showingyou what I’ll be making stay tuned sohere I already have my ingredients setup 2 cups of flour essence vanillaessence that is baking powder 2 cups ofmilk an egg melted butter and of coursesugar I’m gonna be adding sugar fortasteit’s optional for you if you don’t wantto add sugar it’s completely fine sothis is what I’ve been using guys so I’mgonna start adding my ingredientstogether I’ll be adding baking powder tomy mixture so I’ll use like 3 spoonsI’m gonna go and and add some sugar soI’d like three spoonsremember it’s optional you can add howmuch you want I’ll be adding my butteredI sense this is gonna give it a nicetaste it’s optional you can add how muchyou want to three tablespoons up to youso here I have my milk are we adding mymilk and start mixing it that way won’tbe too watery so more women to add moreso think I’ll probably use like abouttwo cowsso there is my mixture now I’m gonna putin a pan on the stove and turn it on I’mgonna put it to medium heatokay so the first thing you want to dois add some butter on the panyou can go ahead and add your batterI’m just gonna leave it there to cookfor a while[Music]so my mom used to make this a lot for mewhen I was little so every time I makethis I remember her I really miss hermeals miss you momokay so there you have it the pancakesare finished and ready to eatso this is what I basically do forbreakfast and some days not all thesebut most hope you enjoyed this videookay nice olbia having my breakfast nowI hope you enjoy our video subscribe toour channel share content give us a likeI’ll never know in the comment sectionwhat are you having for breakfast citybye

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