Hi everyone!
This video shows you how to make Oatmeal Veggie Pancakes. Its a very easy to make breakfast idea, very nutritional and taste super delicious. If you are in for a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy is also important and this is just one of the many ways I am going to show you how to utilize your greens. In this video I used callaloo but you can substitute the callaloo with any green vegetables you have, whether its spinach, broccoli or kale.
1 cup callaloo
1 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup creamy coconut milk
1 large egg
1/2 tsp lime juice
1 tsp vanilla
Enjoy! I would love to hear what you think of this recipe.
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See you again soon with something a bit more crazy.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hieveryone i’m your host kellyanne johnsonand welcome to my channel crazy greensnow crazy greens is all about findinginteresting ways to add vegetable storedietwe all know that vegetable is good forus vegetable is good forskin good for hair and the overallmaintenance of our bodybut talk to it it’s not all the time youwant to see a bunch of greens on yourplatei am here to introduce to you guysinteresting ways you can add vegetablesto your dietthat is affordable easy and nutritioussoy away fun join me in the kitchen nownow we’re in the kitchen it’s time toget cooking okay so today i’ll bepreparing for you guys some oatmealveggie pancakeshere we have on display all theingredients we’ll be using to create ourbatterthe quantity of each ingredient is shownon the menu displayfirst we have some quaker oats as youcan see we are using oats instead offlourit is a healthier form of carbohydrateand it also gives the pancake and uniquetastethe vegetable we’ll be using today iscallaloo as you can seethis color is part ball we part boil thecolor because we don’t want to get thatstain it is after we finisheating our pancake however you do notwant to boil it too muchas this will decrease the nutritionalvalue of the caloriehere we have one large egg and today weare usingsome maggi coconut milk over here wehavesalt lime juice vanillabaking powder and sugar okay so now thatwe have all our ingredients here we’rejust going to combine all of them into amagic bullet blender in order to makethe batter[Music]okay now that our battery is ready it’stime for us to start making our pancakesas you can see today i’m using a grill icoat it with a little butter just togive the pancake some flavor and youdon’t want the pancaketo stick to the grill today i’ll beusing a quarter cupscoop in order to pour my pancakes thisis just to get all my pancakes at thesame sizehowever if you’re at home you can eitheruse a spoon a little or whatever youhave or if you just want to pour it fromyou the container better that is fine[Music]okay guys this is what our finishedproduct looks likesuper super healthy super supernutritious here you can see i serve itwith some fruitsif you’re a particular fond of pancakesyrup you can use some pancake syrup andbutter as well whatever you chooseso you guys just go ahead and try it outdon’t take my word for it it’s supersuper nice super super delicious supersuper differentgo ahead try it out comment below let meknow and do not forget to like andsubscribeand share see you next week on somethingcrazyyou