Tasman shares his special Green Alien Pancake recipe. The secret ingredient is greens from the garden!
3 free range eggs
2 cups soy milk
1 cup whole wheat, self-raising flour
4 cups of leafy greens from the garden (we used a combination of warrigal greens, silver beet and English spinach
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
Extra virgin olive oil, for cooking the pancakes.
Place all ingredients, except the olive oil, in a large mixing bowl.
Blend ingredients using a stick blender until smooth and green.
Prepare a heavy based saucepan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, on medium-high heat. Ladle about half a cup of mixture into the pan at a time. Cook until bubbles form, then flip and cook for equal time on the second side. Repeat, until the mixture is finished.
Eat the alien pancakes as they emerge from the pan, or serve them with fresh ricotta cheese, diced tomatoes and grated parmesan cheese.
When schools closed across Canberra, two families decided to learn how they can live more sustainably at home. Join Mia Swainson’s family and Julie Boulton’s family as they bring you a 15 – 20 minute webcast at 3.30pm, each Monday-Thursday. Everyone is welcome to join in and be inspired to live sustainably in this time of change. In this second series, the families will continue to explore different activities centred around sustainability including cooking, gardening and sustainable craft.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everybody and welcome to anotherepisode of sustainable family homemy name’s Zoe Anderson and I’m thecoordinator of the workshops here at theCanberra environment Center and todaywe’re going into the home of Mia Swensonand her son Tasman and they’re going tobe making a very special recipe tellscan you tell us what your recipe isgreen pine cuts with a it’s called awing pancakes and you want to find theold recipes yeah why not so thank you somuch for coming on my name is MIASwenson and this is Jasminewe are so looking forward to being withyou this afternoon and making thesegreen alien pancakesso what ingredients have we got Jasminefor our alien pancakes where we got eggssome eggs these are the three eggs fromour chickensyep what else would we go yeah do I knowyeah so milk can use normal milk we usewe use soy milk I think it tastes betterwith soy milk actually and that’s flouryeah so we’ve got self-raising flourordinarily I would use wholemealself-raising flour but at the moment Ifound it hard to get a wholemeal flourso we’re just gonna use playingself-raising flour today there’s a fewand then what makes them greenwhat’s it ah what are we going to hearwhy this radishes not real so we’ve gota whole load of greens from our gardenso we’ve got some silver beet me theseare young silver big leaves becausewe’re only just there from our winterthis winter and we’ve got these herefuture actually War Eagle greens whichare from the summer that’s been amazingand we’ve also got some spinach Englishspinach from the gardenyes but they’re all green so they makethe green and what’s your favoriteingredient sugar sugar we have a littlebrown sugar that is optional not ifyou’re tasman but only if you’re makingit does it okay not green alien pancakeswithout sugarcuz that won’t be the were Sepideh I’m adoc very true okay shall we get startedokay sure let’s crack those eggs in tostart with our very good nice andcarefullyyouyouoh I have to give another crackOh nearly I had a crack that’s it yeahyou can see the crack but he’s beingvery careful happen I do just want to goand do undo the next one yeah can youundo this one really nice firm crackyeah oh no that was lucky hang yourhands or what that was yeah tryingto do it my way it was good job and onelast one yeah just got a little bit ofpoo in it so maybe I’ll crack this onenice clean breakalright so now your soy milk becauseit’s got a really nice nutty flavor likeI said you can use the two cups of milkand then one cup of self-rising flouryepalright give it a mixI chose where the secret ingredients andit seems going quite well test has thesecret ingredient here this brown sugarbut it’s not a crisis because we’regoing to whisk it up with our stickblender just gonna measure out thesegreens cuz I went about four four cupsworth and I think I might have picked abit too much bit over I really canthat’s probably enough so that’s about 4cups of greens from the garden I pushthem right down alright now once I putthese in we’re gonna have to use thestick blender to mix it yep what youwant to put them in oh gosh there’s alot of greenery alright let’s do it sowe might this stick blender or yeahthat’s a new stick burner so gonna putit in there no and just do the top oneok ok so we’re just blending it alltogether if you’re feeling lazy youwouldn’t even have to mix the eggs offyou could just pour it all in and thenwhizz it up with you blender okaygood job I’m still doing yeah Walt s isblending I’m just hating on the head andI’m gonna put some olive oillooking good yeah it’s looking verygreen[Music][Music][Music]okay[Music][Music][Music]so you can see it’s a really veryliquidy so it makes quite a thin pancakeall right so just to take me I have tosay baby looks like he’s just getting soupset after noon today some music we’regonna go and see your friend who’s comeback to Australia and also yeah so we’rejust cooking that pancake but it’s beenit’s very thin so it’ll cook reallyquickly I’ll just take the camera overmy tea so I don’t know if you can seethey’re quite thinner um yeah you couldwell I thought they can look baby have achin doing something yes he’s a prettygood turn oh hey Tessmaybe you could tell us why they’regreen alien pancakes and why youinvented them[Music]trying to split into three all right itlooks like he’s gonna get okay they’redoing to show everyone the first screenEileen says yes missus that’s the greenalien I reckon I might let them keepcooking in the background for better orfor worse and just want to show yousomething extra to show you at the endof the episode this is just some lemonverbena and if you have ever been inyour garden over the winter time it’s agreat time to sort of pickwe’ll take big chunks off it dry it outand then we we only took a few days andthen we just pop it into a jar and thenwe’ve got lemon verbena tea for the restof the winter time so I just thought I’dshare my little lemon verbena tea on theend of our green alien pancakes ohthat’s beautifulnow we’ve got a couple watching onFacebook and they love the pancake ideaand they’re wondering if we could have arecipe yes recipe probably tonightrecipe you know see if you sugar isimportant and for anyone watching whowants to know more about dragons we’vegot a blog post about that on our website at Canberra environment Center orgall right well thank you very much Miaand tears and Dave yeah yeah great thankyousee you next week yeah we’ll be on nextMonday bye bye