Learn how to make Pancakes at home without eggs in 5 Mins.
This recipe is 100% vegetarian.
This is secret recipe which is used in many Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes.
Try this recipe with your favourite toppings like whipped cream, butter, chocolate sauce, chocolate chips, maple syrup and fresh fruits etc.
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys my name is lucky and welcome toanother vlog of the lucky diary sotoday’s my sister’s birthday and sinceeverything is shut this log down soobviously I can’t order a cake for herso I decided to make a eggless pancakeand I’m going to share its recipe withyou all so let’s do this with some musicso before we start this recipe I wannashare a list of ingredients that arerequired for this recipe so let’s startso Steamies required a mother 200 gramsempty bowl baking powder tantrum when helicense 5 ml milk 240 ml butter 50 gramand sugar 100 grams so we are going tostart with maida flour I’m going to putit in an empty bowlwe are going to mix it with milk andwhisk it slowly eventually it will be alittle hard but later on it will becomea batter just like this next thing weare going to add butter but meltedbutterafter adding butter you can see that thebatter will become more soft[Music][Music]next thing we are going to add a Svenlicense which is therefore nicefragranceit also add flavours to it so just twospoons you can add it according to yourtaste palate eyes also required isbaking powder so only adding two spoonsof it because they Qing soda is the mainingredient which will give our pancakesfluffiness so these are few majoringredients which are required if youare not using a so butter vanillaessence and baking powderso butter is actually the mainingredient which is required when we arenot using eggs so next thing is sugarbut[Music]we will blend sugar so that it becomesmore easy to whisk it the next step isjust whisk it all together in till thetime it becomes a nice batter and afterthis job we are going to start preparingthe pancakes after this we are going tostart making pancakes so take a bigspoon of batter and put it on pan hotpan 3 that your first pancake is goingto come out perfect it can be littleburnt from one side it’s all right youknow you will learn after one or twopancakes[Music]so thank you for watching this video andI hope absurd quad channel so try onyour own let me know how was yourexperience guess a result arte hey andif you have any other suggestions forother videos then do mention in thecomment and the eros if you have seppukuSzilagyi will be mentioned GG commentsection may and please hit the subscribebutton each a hit on like share withyour friends and family and I’m open forsuggestions for other videos till thenkeep watching