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Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to my channeltoday I’m gonna tell you how to makeeasy pancakes at home so first you needa cup of flour egg and salt bakingpowder when a license for milk a boweland sugar so I’m taking here 2 tbsp ofsugar warm milk and a few drops ofvanilla essence and 1/2 tbsp of bakingpowder and a pinch of salt so let’sstart I’m adding my baking powder in thesugar and we also have this butter let’sset it aside I’m gonna pour my drawer inthis and after this I’m going to add volAvenue lessons in this and my meltedbutter and eggand I’d also add in your warm milk I’mtaking a half cup of milk you have tomake it take like this I mean like meheat the pan and grease the oil in thepan after 1 minute take it some take itinto something like up and pour in thepan and flip the side when it looksbrown and it tastes really good and it’seasy to make just flip this arpanet looklike this so finally your lightdelicious and fluffy pancakes are readyso let me try this fault and enjoy thesepancakes with some sea rapport butterit’s so hardmmm do you mean it’s really yummy sohope you guys enjoy me today’s video andif you really so please like commentshare and subscribe to my channel