Pancakes Recipes


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[Music]hey guys welcome back to my youtubechannel so today I decided to share mypancake recipe with you guys and trustme guys you’re gonna love it so let’sget started you’re gonna need 1 eggbutter plain flour baking powder mixspiced or cinnamon brown sugar or whitesugar and vanilla extract or vanillaflavouring and for the purpose of thisvideo I’m using whole milk so you’regoing to start off with crack in one egginto a mixing bowl and just whisk in ityou can use a fork or wasted areas forI’m using a fork[Music][Music]so you’re just gonna grab a sieve andyou’re gonna start to sieve some flourinto your mix sure so I’m using six heattablespoons or flour for the purpose ofthis you don’t need to add this much ifyou want toI’m just making pancakes for two peopleand I’m making six in total so I wasmaking a large so what’s up flour hasbeen added you’re going to go ahead andadd some baking powder I used about oneteaspoon of baking powder in my mixture[Music]so now I’m just adding my whole milk I’madding about half a cup of milk intothere’s no in particular really anymeasurements for this step like I saidbefore you just want to ensure that yourmixture is thick and you’re just[Music]as you can see from here the texture ofmy mixture is now pretty much thickyou’ll know if it’s thick because it allfeel different when you’re whisking itaround so now I’m just adding in myvanilla flavoring I’m adding about ateaspoon of vanilla in there if they’reusing vanilla extract also a teaspoon aswell and you see your mic on stabilityI’m what you want you what I wantShila the Sun maybe they don’t see whatI see you’re the diamond in me so nowI’m just going in with my mix spiceyou’re gonna add about a teaspoon ofthat into my mixer also and again I’mjust gonna whisk that up until it’s myownwhen I’m coming over when I need youguys that display I kid you not mypancakes not so good when I need you[Music]please believe me so now I’m just gonnago in our two tablespoons of sugarthis stuff is optional you don’t need toadd two tablespoons you can add one butI do like my pancakes hundred sleep andto ensure that my pancakes are sweet Ijust mix this in and then I actuallytaste the mixture guys go ahead andtaste it nothing’s gonna happen see as Ido it all the time and yeah you know ifyou like it or not and I clearly didn’tlike it so I went back in and added anadditional tablespoon of sugar until itwas mixed in and I taste it as well andit was lovely[Music][Music]so in a frank time you’re gonna want toadd some butter just in case you’relunging I am using the nonstick fryingpans but well she can make this in by anormal Franklin I’m just using nonstickand I’m just waiting on the oil or thebutter to heat up and my stay was on themedium heat and again that’s the textureand I’m just gonna pour my mixture in tomy frying pan now I just let that cook Ilet my own pick up on one side for abouttwo to three minutes depending on howfast your quicker is but you do want towatch it at the same time seditionalright it doesn’t burn also notice thatyour pancakes are starting to cook whenyou see about the edges start to likekind of raise up a bit but that’s justwhen you want to flip it and also whenyou see air bubbles frying in the topbut that’s my pancake that’s cooked I’mnow making my second pancake as you cansee that my my a pasta is nice and hotjust adding my mixture in[Music][Music]send out I’m fine so now you guys justgonna want to grab your favorite fruitsI’m using a banana and a couple of thatthere was chopping my bananas up andchopping my strawberries in half andjust decorating my plate so I’m justdrizzling some honey on this this stepis optional and I’m adding some icecreami 100% recommend adding vanilla icecream do this it will taste boom andthis was the final result

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