Pancakes Recipes

How to make coconut pancake

This video shows how to make a healthy and delicious coconut pancake.


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hello guys good evening and welcome oncemore to a healthier me YouTube channelthose are plugs from where we encourageeach other on how to make healthychoices through fitness and nutritionthank you for always tuning in if you’renew to this channel please kindly clickon the subscribe button if you’re aregular member of this channel thank youfor always tuning in and please don’tforget to like our videos enough thereto share our videos and please alwayshit on a notification button if youhaven’t done so so that when we get newvideos you are actually the first personto know you know you know that we have anew video real-time know yes say yes sayno no no no okay that was on our siteactually it has been a long time sincehelps yummy posted something you knowafter I jump rope challenge in Februaryit was a blast I cannot everoveremphasize on it you know and we keeppracticingso for March we are just advice to docardio a lease out three times a weekjust get something in that would costyou not just to break a sweat when Itried the drip drip drip and you get wetyou know you get sucked in sweat okay sotoday I want to share with you a veryhealthy breakfast which are very I don’tknow but healthy breakfast which I domost of the time you know if you havefood like myself you really don’t wantto miss out on anything you want thehealthier substitute of the things youreally really love so today it’s allabout a coconut pancake yes and you canactually increase the goodness byincreasing some vegetables into it solet me show you how I do mine you couldhave your own version which you couldshare it also you can put in yourcomments below on how you do yours youcould try to what I’m about to sharewith you and let us know the outcomeit’s also pleasure you know to sharewith people so we can make healthychoices okay let’s go okay so scissorscannot pancake that means the base orthe flower will be using there’s gonnabe coconuts flower so this is powderedcoconut flour for those in Cameroon Iget this from my Hema you can actuallyblend it again if you want it to be veryvery you know you want the green to thevery final so I have about four spoonsof coconut flour which I’m going to mixthis little bowl let me get a spoon okayI’m not so much of the bettering tightlyI just I I just eyeball most of the timeand then I’m gonna add a little bit ofbaking powder to these I don’t know howto the measurement to say but let mejust say a quarter of a teaspoon yeahand then early pinch of salt just apinch of salt very little you know waytoo salty because I think the bakingpowder I Kali has a salty element in itokay and then I you know to do in a verygood flavor I normally put nutmeg whenyou can put vanilla extract if you wantor you can put lemon zest it all dependson you they’re just all gonna make yourpancake you know taste very goodor smell very good okay and then one eggone egg pleasehey if you want to sweeten it I forgotSteve your this powder stevia for thosein Cameroon I get this from stupid yesthing is the best tea we are trying tocome across so I’m just going to put alittle you just put as you want it’s howsweet you want it to be so you can put ahalf the teaspoon of it it’s true I’musing a spoon but I I ball so I knowexactly what I wantso for yourself so how much is gone onceit’s full might be too sweet for thisquantity when all depends on you and nowI give it a good mix a good mix okay sothis is actually eatyou can add peach on what I do once youknow when you don’t have to make it tobe flowing no no no it doesn’t have tohas to be a very thick mixtureyou know thick enough so that when youwear your friend you’re going to see howwe spread it on right fine now this isthe base you can just do this on you I’mgood to gobut now I’m gonna add more goodness youknow more goodness we have some othernice things you can add so you can addthem dried raisins yeah I like addingthem in facts most often it’s a must forme so I add some a little bit actuallywanted a few and this is it and if youwant to increase the goodness zucchiniyou can add some ouzo kidney actuallywhat zucchini is going to do is it’sgood to make your pancake to be softeryou know softer so you want to regulatehow much of which you want and itdepends if you want a very soft pancakeor you want you know pancake which is 4Gall depends on you so back to increasethe health benefits you add somevegetables so with this box grater I’mjust greatgreat some of the zucchini and putinside okay there we gothey have just like a spoon quality of aspoon output today so you can toincrease this goodness you know byadding some chia seeds chia seeds I meanall of this is just of makes the youknow the healthy nature of our ofpancake so I have some yes it’s yeah soI’m gonna add some cheese here youreally see I also do some kind of crunchto eat you know to your pancake okayand now we have it I don’t know can Ishow you what it looks like yeahsomething like this you see it’s notrunning you know it’s not running it’sactually if thick mixture now we aregoing to fry so fry you can use any oilof your choiceI will normally use a table water youcan just hold it over you can use canolaor you can use sunflower oil in alldepends on you so now let’s tryso I dropped the meet of Timmy water sopreferably using nonstick or a stick 3right time you know yep so with a stick3 3 pipe and sometimes you don’t evenneed to put to grease your frying panyou can still do it without now watchthe cushions so I can do like threepancakes see I just put one on and thenI sprayed one spoon and I spray now ifyou make your mixture to be running youmight not get this you might find itvery difficult to get your pancake so Iactually have my three pancakes fromthisOh making the right spoon for these somy pancake is right can’t wait for thisgoodness okay so you wait for a littlebit and then we flip it on the otherside and we keep going sorry guys I justhope that you’re getting the best out ofthis it’s a little dark this side of mykitchen but let’s manage it that waypleasemaking a very nice part about this youknow with the spoon you can you lookshitty like a shirt professional in factI just like my food to be beautiful youknow so whatever I think I can do tomake it beautiful and attractive now I’mactually touching my you know my spoonor needs and is giving it some kind ofwaves this is beautifulokay so after while you sleep did yousee that no but I’m gonna bring thecamera close so we all enjoy how itlooksokay guys you see I just flipped andthat is what we havethis is beautiful and now since thedough is very thick you can press on ityou know so now you notice it getscooked through so that it gets cookedthrough so you present each press exactsome pressure on it so that you canactually cook through you see since thedough is thick when I flip it I kind ofpress exact some pressure on it so thatyou can cook through that’s what we doyes yes can you seecan I sleep again ah that’s the goodnesssee see and we already serve each let meget my plate let’s serve this and eatHey Wowhmm the smokin on me is just invitingit’s like it’s me it’s me it’s me nowit’s me it’s me and guess whatour coconut pancake came through can youseries you can actually enjoy thisgoodness with some ginger tea great teajust enjoy it’s the way you want so youknow you can have it as breakfast youcan have it as I just say you can haveit as a snack just the way you like itthank you for always tuning in pleasedon’t forget to like don’t forget tosubscribe don’t forget to share a videoand always always always keep beingconnected thank you so much for yoursupport[Music]

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