Always at Eva Delicacies we bring the best meals that you can easily prepare at home. check out for this pancake.
You can make your pancake have a flavor that you rilly want be it mango, pineapple,orange amongst others. Check out for this..
Wheat flour
Vanilla essence
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hello guys so previously we had thesunny tropical smoothie virtue tea we’reletting you know on how to makesomething that you can serve with so wehaving word for todayfluffy banana pancakes I’ll be your[Music]medium mix and then you[Music][Music]and then get our own absolutely willbenefit in whiskeythenthen you can build a[Music]with Chuck with me once a babywhatto be to top right now[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]so we’ve already planted a big step thebanana mixture you will poison into this[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]so one is ready complete water sothey’re going for our but a few batches[Music][Music]I’m not going to spray[Music]was your face pretty so you want to goover so that meansso whatever medium so on you know use ahigher image the ends of fun for our ownsakeand it won’t be here[Music]so antics already so there is a yeah[Music]you can also use jump or set upcommunity knows[Music]so it is sweet and it’s but everdelicacy is where we have the best thebest issue you can serve it with theSammy show people in business and we hadanother smoothie which was the bananamilkshake Wowso you can serve it for your girlfriendeven Chineseyou have to try this at home as wealways say it’s very very affordable itis at Emma delicacies we are good foodis our language you shall never gohungry[Music]you