Pancakes Recipes

How to cook Korean pancakes. easy step by step guide!!!

Tuna on Pancakes???
Here we go again with yet another episode of cooking with, cooking with, cooking with the good looking guy!!! this time ill be teaching you How to cook Korean pancakes. in this easy step by step guide!!!
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hello again and welcome back to the vlogthis is the good-looking guy and todaywe do have another episode of cookingwith cooking and cooking with thegood-looking guy on this episode Iactually have cravings for pancakes butthe thing is I don’t really want sweetpancakes so I did you one better we areactually going to be cooking Koreanpancakes please don’t forget to Like andsubscribe if you haven’t already andlet’s get on with the video[Music][Applause]okay hello for this recipe we areactually gonna use a lot of onions sothere’s gonna be two kinds of onionsthat we are gonna use it’s gonna be thegreen onion you know it’s not a Koreandish without green onions so you need toslice it diagonally when you reach theroot you know you know the bulb youdon’t need to use the bulb itself butyou need to if you want you can use thethe white part of the bulb and you justslice it the same as you sliced thegreen onions now we just need to putthat in a little bowl next we get atomato any tomato would do first youneed to peel the tomato so I’m doingthis for two reason one is we areactually gonna use the peel as a garnishso here I’ll be teaching you how to dothe roast garnish that you see all overChinese restaurants all over the worldyou just roll it on itself and voila youactually have a nice roast garnish forthe tomato itself you just need tode-seed them because you don’t reallywant the moisture after you removed allthe seeds you slice them fine likestripsso after you slice the tomato you put itin the exact same bowl where you placethe green onions and not in that bowlyou just need a can of tuna just throwthat tuna in there put a bit of saltseasoning some garlic powder because youdo want the garlic powder but you don’twant the garlic in it next like twodrops of sesame oil just to give it thatAsian playing some red chili pepperflakes then you mix all of them togethermake sure it’s nice and integrated youjust need to mush the tuna but don’twash the vegetable you actually wantthat crunch on a different Bowl you needfour tablespoons of flour if you want itmore crunchy then I suggest you do twotablespoons of flour and two tablespoonsof cornstarch and then you get a cup aplastic cup of water I couldn’t havemade it’s much simpler than thatand then mix itand then you get an egg and then you putit on the slurry so the white stuff wecall it slurry then you get a fork andyou mix it all in just integrate itafter it’s thoroughly mixed you combinethe two bowls the wet one and the dryingredient it’s like baking okay youjust make sure you combine it well youmix it well now we’re ready to cup youneed a small pan you put a tablespoon ofoil heat it upthen you get your mixture and just fryit like you would a regular pancake I’mactually conscious that I’m speakingwith you in English doing a cooking withvideo it had been so long since I had aconversation in English so after twominutes I’m guessing the pancake wouldbe nice and brown on one side now it’stime for the flip[Music]okay so you just flip it askew with anyregular pancakes tah-dah and then giveit a couple of more minutes give or takelike three four minutes until the otherside is golden brown now it’s time forthe plating you get you get your plateyou get your pancakes you stack them allup like you would a regular pancake andthen here I got some red onion likepickled red onions and vinegarsome red pepper flakes I put a teaspoonof soy sauce and you fill it all up withwhite vinegar and then you get the greenonion stalks that you have left put iton top some green salads on the side andyou put on your tomato garnish look atthat it’s nice and pretty and finallyyou just get red chili paste give a nicedollop on the side of the plate andwe’re pretty much done enjoy[Music]and we’re done okay so I actuallydecided to make the whole video inEnglish I hope you guys are irritatedbut I’m actually trying to reach like athousand subscribers and by the waythings aren’t going I just need to stepup my game a little bit you like thisvideo please don’t forget to Likecomment and subscribeand again I will see you on the nextvideo peace

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