As it’s Pancake Day, I thought i’d try my hand at making some protein pancakes (for the first time ever) & share the method with you.
They didn’t turn out too bad, however we did have a few little mishaps whilst cooking (Sorry Amy)!
Give these a try, i’m almost certain yours will come out looking a little better than these but i’ll write the macros below for anyone who’s interested in incorporating these into your diet.
943 Calories
68g Protein
110g Carbs
26g Fat
471 Calories
34g Protein
55g Carbs
13g Fat
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Filmed & edited by Craig Williams
Road to Olympia eBook – The Comeback (2019 Edition)
Thank you for your continued support!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]really nice honest todayPancake Day and we are protein I’m Katewe’re going to attempt to cook pro yourpancakes anyway absolutely he actuallylanded straight on right take two ofpancake native we’re making proteinpancakes anyway because it’s a pancakeday and we’re going to start offblending everything together so we’renot going to mess about doing theseseparate we’re going to attempt to getall of the ingredients into this littlething here and then we’re gonna make 9 8to 9 pancakes I’ll be depended how faryou make you stretch alright so thefirst ingredient you assembly love wayit doesn’t have to be you’re saying itcan be anything but I choose bluelab waywait Elif Laver so these proteinpancakes and they’re tasting Nutellareally go for one schoolwhich is wait 35 grams port whey proteinwise protein content is 25 grams sowe’ve sprayed in that video for one fullbanana which is around 30 grams of carbsif you can hear the drilling in thebackground I apologize I’m having mydriveway doing a minute hundred grams ofoats which I’m gonna weigh out thateyeball this the fact it’s 99 gramsthough Amy’s gonna kill meso everywhere we are then who’s the 20grams of Greek yogurt so corn fat-freehas got sugar in book very minimal thisis a 15 20 grams they’re gonna explodeon it there we goI’m slightly over there again that’saround 68 calories 12 grams of proteinand 5 grams carbs agüero no see not readnothing take three eggs[Music][Music]they’ll blend up till not this yearright no judging me but we’re having thetable spoon of honey in there okay 14grams of carbs 56 calories we’re offseason anyway again the calories in justthe help it raise up we’re gonna havethree teaspoons baking powder joyfulcinnamon in lieu of cinnamon in thereyeah put a little bit of cinnamonpersonal preference I think if I’m notin it it’s in or not some people usevanilla extract yeah yeah well I’ve gotchocolate weigh on it you’re not goingto taste the vanilla if you have vanillaprotein I think that’ll be good showyeah right nice blend all this if youblend is the malware tooOh smoke you actually really be scaredall right clean this off before we startagain actually did scare ya a little bitcamera lens shall we go out we’ll goseven yeah still trying to work thesehow about these induction hob they’renot the best I laid my particular likingif I could say is really we’re cookingwith avocado oil because I haven’t got acoconut oil but you can use either alland I think what’s going on a sea whipgonna let that preheat medium heatpreheat on a medium heat just won’t say[Music]we’ll make three we’re gonna make threeput it out there keep them separate it’sgonna be one big clunky isn’t it now sothis will probably won’t make eightthough the counters will still be thesame and if we just split it between twothey smell well are they small like theburning it was goodyes so we’re gonna wait around a minuteto a minute and a half before we flip onto the other side or the telltale signis what so the top will start bubblingneed to so crazy connoisseur pancakesso yes it’s in when they start bubbly atthe top then we can turn it over readynow we’re truth you sound you soundsurprised they’re greatspace it’s a start I said first I wannamake protein pancakes okay well – Wowthe no mental perceiver commentor underslot the two rounded they will fake[Music]I was a bit wear sweat to shoot to getthat one so all about statics right well[Music]no one needs to see that one so weactually got nine out of that minus onewe looked in the bin so in total withall those ingredientsit’s a nine hundred and forty-threecalories which sound a lot or if youhave it because that’s nine to tenpancakes if you have it that’s fourhundred and seventy one with colors perserving so this is the two people thirtyfour grams of protein which is perfectfor a snack or if your classes ofmodeling meals in a dayperfectly important I’ve got fifty fivegrams of carbs and we’ve got 13 grams offat so the ratios are quite good andobviously you saw what we’re puttingit’s all clean calories anyway what’sgood in a clean ingredientso yeah let’s try it see what we thinkI’m just decorating not counting thesecalories they don’t count if the clusterdecoration weren’t offseason so say thatout[Music]he’s standing out there he’ll bringgates for one I’ve changed my mindbulky yeah it’s a selfish sport no yeahreally nice honest I wasn’t know what toexpect with a yogi in it I’ve never hadit with your game it’s actually a softerlike in France all alone yeah really badenjoyyeah enjoy give it a try leave commentsin below and yeah I’ll see you in thenext video oh yeah and you got tosubscribe to the channel Craig youtelling me off not to ask you guys butif you like the content please subscribeto the channel[Music]