Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
so today we’re gonna be awake makingpancakes first I’m gonna start byputting slower flowers added to the boatnext I’m gonna add some castor sugarbees now it’s time to mix it all in I’mgonna add two to four eggs nice freeeggs I did now it’s time to stir it allup so I’m just going to write a list ofwhat they want now I’ve added some milkto the mixture who makes these daddy’shome together pan on the hob I need tojust add a little bit of oil to the panthat should be enough do not suggest youmiss myself if you youngerlet’s chopped up and I are up for thispancakes and I’m gonna get the ladle andadd some mixture to the panGladys says pancakes you in and I’m justgonna get this a flip the pancake overto cook the other side then I’m gonnaflip it over again this side now I’mjust gonna get some pancakesurge pancake guys I’m on my 13thpancake and how do you were Alton