Thank you, again, for watching my TED Talk. 🙃
1. Mix all these together:
-2 Egg yolks
-2g Vanilla extract
-20g Milk
-37g Pancake mix (make sure it has baking soda)
-2g Baking powder (optional)
2. Whip up your meringue base with:
-2 Egg whites
-35g Sugar
3. Gently fold your yellow mixture with your meringue mixture.
4. Scoop 2 blobs on a buttered pan. Put 1 tbsp. water then immediately put the pan lid on. Cook for 2 minutes on low heat.
5. Put one blob on top of the other. Put 1 tbsp. water then immediately put the pan lid on. Cook for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
6. You’re done. 😉
Giveaway Winners:
– it’s at 11:18
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone welcome to my TED talk nowif you’re only here for the giveawayvideo then you may skip ahead to I don’tknow how many seconds but the point isyour may skip ahead and we should justcompletely ignore the fact that I madesuch cute pancakes okay I mean thepancakes are cute do you not want towatch it I mean but fine you can skipahead[Music]welcome back Joe welcome back Susanwelcome back Karen welcome back Lyndaand welcome back Ron welcome to anotherepisode of I still don’t know what younamed this episode so Sashafirst of all let’s completely ignore thefact that I just finished exercisingfive minutes ago and I am completelysweatyit’s okay Tyrone because you can’t seeit through the camera and Reginald youcan’t exactly smell me right so that’sokayso today Uniqua what we’re gonna do isfun now here’s the thing I can think ofa nameRJ okay I did this the day beforeyesterday and it was an epic flop Ithink it burned so we’re gonna do itagainbut something went through this bigbrain of mine can I use normal pancakemix to make fluffy pancakes is that evenpossible is that even feasible you knowis that existent in this world and Isaid we’ll never know unless we try sohere we are we’re gonna make soufflepancakes out of the normal pancake mixwe’re gonna try it I’m not a chefso if things fail we can limit on mylack of skill okay so let’s do thisshall we now okay logically thinkingabout it it might be possible becausewhat makes the soufflé pancake rise somuch is most probably the baking powderand the presence of the very verywhipped egg whites now if you combinetwo ingredients together with some dryingredients then possibly we’re off to agood start right so we’re gonna try thatnow since this pancake mix has alreadybeen mixed what we have to do is I addedall the measurements of the dryingredients and then that’s it that wasnot a good explanation I’m just gonnaleave a recipe if it fails that I’m notgonna leave the recipe so if you want toknow how this will endthen go ahead to the description boxbelow but I suggest not I mean do youwant spoilers well maybe you do but doyou really want it I’m forcing you tosay no okay oh there’s two of them okaycool retching oh and did I also tell youyou guys I have a pimple over here Idon’t know if you can see because you’reslightly far away from me but camerawise can you see it it’s red I don’tknow how this happened I wash my facereligiouslyit’s okay still like my face anyway thatmight be a lie but will you ever know Idon’t know okay um so first of all wehave 35 Wow that was it you know whylet’s actually check the ingredients ofit it already has baking soda it’s okaylet’s just add more baking soda that’sfine well they care maybe will it failmaybe I’ve forgotten scissors again thisis all your fault Steve okay Lucindawe’re finally ready and then we’re justgonna wing it okay again please don’tmind the background noise someone’sshowering in the bathroom and then thedogs outside are barking it’s not thebest time to actually make a video butwe’re gonna do it anyways oh gosh Iforgot the set why don’t you forgettingthings although I think we were supposedto whip whoopsies this is already goingdownhill I don’t know howand you know what let’s put you closerok Duncan rolled together now you cansee it okay now what we have to do isseparate the egg yolks and beat eggwhites I hate this part I hate doingthis wow this is a tough egg fine ohthere we go I hate doing this becausethere is just so much uncertainty thatthe egg yolk is gonna crack inside wedon’t like uncertainty do we oh pleasebe good mmmit did it oh my gosh I might as well bereplacing you Martha this is actuallyfun oh you know what actually reminds meof cookie mama in cookie mama I was apro I’ll tell you thatokay okay Kevin I was a pro at cookingmama you don’t believe me Sarah I’mtelling you I was a cooking mama Pro Wowokay emerald we got this oh my gosh thisis so fun and fulfilling I’ve never feltmore fulfilled in my life now we aregoing to just whisk this I’m sorry youhad to hear that sound okay Lucy do youthink this is okay okay think that’sgood might be over-whipped but that’sokay now we just have to add milkoh and I’ve I told you guys I love DevonDale I think that Devon Dale is the bestfriend of milk ever is so hard to showmy face not sponsored you hear that ohwe forgot the vanilla extract whoopsokay that’s too much now we’re going toadd our dry ingredients hey don’t tellthem thatthis one is nice smells good toowell actually just smells like vanillabut nice now on to the next one okay Leeso we’re ready now we just have to makeokay Larrynow the person said I have to add thesugar when it’s in this stage but wehave to add it slowly okay Rose you gotthat[Music]Tippie uh-ohJenny we did it we did it if they’re notbeautiful okay now what I want to do isput some in here just to prepare it andmake it a fluffier consistency wow thatwas beautiful now we have to mix it withthis and then we fold it now I’ve alwayswanted to be a chef I even consideredtaking culinary for college ones andthen I realized I’m not that great at itso now to fulfill that childhood dream Ijust cooked food so salute to all thosechefs out there Congrats on being goodat cooking[Music]okay I think this is perfect not reallybut let’s say it’s perfectokay Louisiana we’re ready wellLouisiana is a place not really a nameof a person but it might be your name sookay Coraline were ready you know thatwas actually a movie and I loved it itwas kind of creepy you know as a kidwatching Coraline but then I realizedit’s so beautiful yeah okay now we’rejust gonna add our beautiful beautifulpattern let’s add two scoops I’msupposed to put water and then cover itthis is weird I don’t know how to flipthem oh no it’s undercookedthat’s why well this one did not turnout well but let’s still cook it anyways[Music]okay wow this is huge but I’m kind ofdestroying it I don’t knowthere we go oh my gosh do you see howjiggly this is ah look at that[Music]whoo I tried to go back again[Music]Wow this one’s kind of humongous but Iguess that’s okay rightfavorite it’s better look at that ohgosh you’re finally done I look so palewhy do I always look deadthey’re a little bit more living ah youcan see my shorts now that we’re donewe’re gonna do some very beautiful typeof video type of thing right Shahzadthat’s what we’re gonna do okay let’s goAC let’s go pretty let’s goConnor let’s let’s go oh gosh[Music][Music]so here’s the thing Elizabeth okay justhear me out Elizabeth and YouTubeWilliam they did deflate a lot I don’tknow whose fault it is is it mine or isit the panel capes so now we’re justgonna taste it oh this is exciting thislook tastes good no I say it’s the otherword because they’re not selfish I’mgonna share okay ooh you know guys Ilove matcha matcha is the best thingeverI don’t care about chocolate I don’tcare about vanilla but if you give mebut if you give me matcha I’m gonna loveyou for the rest of my life and I’vegiven myself matcha so I’m gonna lovemyself for the rest of my life mm-hmmbecause I’m pretty much bias I’m gonnasay about the matcha one is the best nowI’m gonna go take a bath and let’sproceed to the giveaway I actuallyfinished taking it back about two hoursago but then guess what I procrastinatedso I didn’t instantly do the giveawaything and yeah hello there masterprocrastinators but now we’re gonna pickthe winner[Music]so since I am the one running thischannel after reading a lot of thecomments I made the executive decisionto give to people the prize I’m notgonna split it but we’re gonna have twowinners with the exact same prize thereason is because you just really seeand realize you know it’s kinda it kindof feels weird to call a person in needis that offensive but people who arelet’s say just struggling in this timeso that we’d become less offensive I’mso sorry something I realized with thisgiveaway I’m sorry this is not a TEDtalk but it’s kind of being a TED talkis that there are a lot of people whoare struggling during this time and thething is when you get certain privilegesor you’re privileged you kind of don’tsee and don’t realize the immense needthat other people have those who haveless privileges than you I mean I am soprivilegedI’ll give me that you know I live in avery beautiful house it may not be thebiggest house but it’s in a condominiumand we there’s literally guardsdownstairs but you know just the factthat I get so many privileges you know Idon’t I didn’t have to work hard forthis house I didn’t buy this house okaynone of my money went onto buying thishouse or even fixing this house you knoweven the money I used to decorate thiswhole room wasn’t money that I earned itwasn’t money that you know I got from ajob it was money that was freely givento me because I turned 18 privilegeslike that they really blind you fromwhat’s truly happening with the rest ofthe world you know you’re so comfortablein the fifth floor of a very nicebuilding that’s not even ten years oldyet and then you forget what it’s likebeing there you know I wasn’t alwaysblessed with these privileges we used toonly rent a house and you know it wasokay I wasn’t you know that notprivileged or underprivileged but youknow it was it was less than what I havenow and then sometimes so you alreadyget here and when you start receivingall the all of these privileges youforget what it’s like to actually bepart of the people who are let’s sayminimum wage families it’s not what youcall them you know but stuff like thatI’m sorry I really don’t mean to offendanyone but yeah I’m really sorry peacebe to everyone it has truly been ablessing and a pure joy you know doingthis giveaway I mean it is kind ofpretentious because it’s kind of likeI’ll help you by giving you groceriesbut you have to subscribe to my channelbut you have to follow me on InstagramI’m sorry that it is it’s pretty muchvery pretentious I’m gonna give you thatit’s it’s kind of like I’m gonna helpyou but you have to do this for me soyou know I realized that after doing thegiveaway that’s on my part I doapologize for you know having to guessthe giveaway is nice because it is youknow yes you’re helping people whoactually need groceries and people whoneed the money for medicine or to helptheir families or whatever but it’s youknow it’s you’re giving it with acondition you know it’s kind of itsreally very ingenuine thinking about itso I do apologize for that I apologizethat my intentions for doing thegiveaway is to gain subscribers and togain followers on Instagram which and Iput all the blame of that to myself Ijust want to say that I am sorry forthatand that is completely my fault I don’tknow what I have become but yeah let’slet’s not continue becoming that so Ijust wanted all of the next giveawayvideos to be you know more genuine in away I don’t what I’m saying but let’s goso this giveaway is pretty much random Iknow a lot of people did comment downbelow their condition and stuff likethat but I just really wanted this to befair I know equity is better thanequality but I just wanted to giveeveryone a fair chance at winning thisgiveawaybecause maybe some people are just youknow they they’re too shy to type downtheir condition or they’re tooembarrassed to proclaim to the worldwhat their family is going through atthis time of the quarantine and thistime of the pandemic so for thisgiveaway equality is the way to goapparently there’s this thing calledcomment picker comm slash YouTube page Bso all we have to do is get the link andour first winner isthis is gonna be anticlimactic but oh mygosh Gary don’t look Oh Mary Janecastelia okay half the jury outcongratulations for reaching 1ksubscribers and of course thank you forgiving us an opportunity to join yourgiveaway doneIG Mary Jay and that oh my god so she’sour first winner and I ready to pickanother winner I’m fighting why am iexcited I’m not even winning anythingbut I’m excited okay let’s look into therunner hoorah[Music]okay oh my gosh winner Kristina banya ishi Christine so wow I love the way youtalk thank you and I love your voicethank you okay I’ve been getting a lotof comments about the way I talk sayingthat it’s really not normal and it isannoyingwell even I’m annoyed by the way I talkbut thank you and this is the mostgenuinely kind independent giving thingI’ve seen all day the story behind it’sreally amazing keep doing what you’redoing sweetie congratulates your cakewas such a milestone poop to makeMarissa and that concludes this giveawayagain I’m sorry for making this verylong but I really am grateful for allthe support that I’ve gotten with thisgiveaway and thank you guys for finallyI’ve been getting comments of peoplesaying that they actually like my voiceyou know that was a validation that Ineeded although it kind of sucks that Ineeds validation from other people butyou know it really boosted myself-esteem I thank you I love you guysfrom the bottom of my buzanis yeah and Ithank youfrom the bottom of my hypothalamus[Music]