Pancakes Recipes

Fluffy Pancakes Everytime | 9 other Homemade Pancake (Vegan, Healthy, Gluten-Free, Sourdough)

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#StayHome and #CookWithMe! Want to know the secret to the fluffiest pancakes ever? It’s pretty simple. Here’s how to make perfect pancakes every time, and other variations like vegan, low carb, gluten-free, and buckwheat pancakes!

2:58 – Sourdough Pancakes
1 ½ cups of mature starter
½ tsp of salt
2 tbsps of sugar
¼ cup of melted butter
2 eggs
1 tsp of baking soda
½ cup of flour
1 cup milk

4:25 – Oat Pancakes
1 cup of oats
1 overripe banana
1 egg
½ cup of almond milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt

5:11 – Low-Carb Pancakes
2 eggs
2 tbsps of crunchy peanut butter
2 old looking bananas
almond flour (optional for structure)

7:40 – Gluten-Free
¼ cup of coconut flour
3 eggs
1 tbsp of maple syrup (remove this if you want to make this keto)
2 tbsp of olive oil
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp of vanilla extract
½ tsp of salt

9:02 Fluffy Pancakes
1 cup of flour
2 tsp of baking powder
½ tsp of salt
2 tbsp of sugar
½ tsp baking soda
¾ cup of milk
1 egg
2 tbps melted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract

10:22 – Buckwheat
1 ½ cup of buckwheat flour
1 ¼ cup of whole milk
4 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp of sugar
1 tbsp of baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 egg

11:46 – Vegan
1 cup of flour
1 cup of almond flour
2 tbsp chia soaked in 6 tbsp of water
1 tbsp of sugar
½ tsp of salt
2 tbsp of coconut oil
2 tbsp of lemon juice
1 tsp of baking powder
½ cup of almond milk

12:36 – Buttermilk
1 ½ cup of flour
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1 tbsp of sugar
¼ tsp salt
1 ½ cup buttermilk
1 egg
1 tbsp of melted butter

14:17 – Ricotta Pancakes
1 ½ cup all purpose flour
3 ½ tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
1 cup of milk
¾ cup of ricotta cheese
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp lemon zest
¼ cup lemon juice
1 tbsp melted butter


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today is all about pancakes now I don’tknow about you but when I grew up I hadmy pancakes out of a box similar to thiswell not really this becauseprotein-packed whole grains buttermilkvery hipster but box is quite similar mymom would then take the premix usuallyadd an egg and send the milk and cook itin the kitchen and it was absolutelyamazing only when I was about like 15that I realized that you can makepancakes using just like flour milkwater very basic pantry ingredients sowe’ve done a ton of pancake recipesbefore that fluffy pancake was reallytough okay hey there’s bullseye quit butwe’ve never really put all of them inone video so that’s what we’re doingtoday[Music]I get a lot of messages online frompeople saying that their pancake alwaysends up flat so I thought I would comeup with a 10 pancake commandmentswhatever you do never over mix thebatter it’s so important to have lumpsin there that’s what’s going to createthose air pockets and that rise you’relooking forwhen in doubt the dry ingredients getmixed first before adding the wetingredients to them it doesn’t apply allthe time but it’s a good rule to havenumber threewarm up your pan first and then add theoil never add oil to a cold pan it justdoesn’t give you that non stickinessthat you’re looking foralways use low to medium heat whencooking number four the first pancake isa test pancake this will give you theopportunity to test your pan heat batterand timing kids love itthey don’t really care if it’s perfector not number five the shape is just notthat important just make sure it’s theright size for the tool you’ll be usingto flip it too big and gravity will doits thing number six you need to decidewhat kind of look you’re going for doyou want a uniform color or a lacypattern on top of your pancakes if youwant a uniform color add some oil to thepan and then wipe it with a kitchenpaper really leaving not much behind ifyou want lines on there and just drizzlesome oil on the pan and then go aheadand add your batter all your ingredientsmore importantly the flour baking sodaand baking powder can’t be stale mostpeople seem to think that dryingredients have an unlimited shelf lifeit’s just not the casenumber eight learn to flip at the righttime to early and it’ll be a mess toolate and you might Rob it from that airsimply put don’t go to the bathroomafter pouring the batter stay by thestove number nine never flipaggressively all those flips and thingsyou see in the movies when the pancakesrevolve around the air will just makeyour pancakes flat number ten onceflipped don’t pat the pancake it’s not apet the first ones we’re gonna be makingare sourdough pancakes I’ve recentlybeen attempting to make some breads soevery day I have a lot of starterI need to get rid of while feeding thislittle monster starter all you need is 1and 1/2 cups of mature starter 1/2teaspoon of salt 2 tablespoons of sugar1/4 cup of melted butter 2 eggs 1teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 cup ofall-purpose flour keep some milk next toyou depending on how liquid your starteris I’d make it so I don’t know that wayyou can adjust the texture depending onwhat you have it’s supposed to feel likewell pancake batterbut since the starter is our main baseit’ll feel slightly gummy err to thetouch cover and let rest for 30 minutesin a warm place after that you’ll noticelots of holes in the batter perfect getyour pan ready and get to work flip whenyou start seeing tiny bubbles on theside check the bottom and flip thesehave the coolest rise[Music]time to give this a try what I loveabout this is like the airiness and thepockets they’re found in the pancakesjust slightly sour so good like it feelsso dense and delicious but still verylike spongy and airy the next one isprobably one of my favorites full ofgood carbs protein and fat these are mygo-to post-workout pancakes in a blenderplacing a cup of oats blend room youhave oat flour add in one spotty bananaone egg 1/2 a cup of almond milk 1/2teaspoon of vanilla extract and a crackof salt rest for 20 minutesget a pan out and get cooking thesewon’t rise like the sourdough ones sinceold flour is slightly more dense butthey will form a slight bulb in themiddle indicating that they are ready toeat[Music][Laughter][Applause][Music]want something even healthier well thisis your ultimate low-carb recipe 2 eggs2 tablespoons of crunchy peanut butter 2old looking bananas I don’t have an oldfetish they are just usually thesweetest this batter is gonna be runnyand chunky and there’s nothing wrongabout that health is our number onepriority here over texture but if youreally want something instagram-worthyyou can add some almond flour in thereif you want when you cook these once youplace the batter down it helps use aglass cover to cook the top a little bitbefore flipping itand unless you are anti fun drizzle thiswith some money please I’m gonnainterrupt our pancakes really quickly tothink the sponsors of this video I’vebeen working now with Skillshare if youhaven’t heard of a skill-shot yet it’sbasically an online community withthousands of online classes that you cantake it has such a great creativecommunity behind it as well number onething for me during this period andduring this you know kovat 19 time hasbeen the lack of routine and the lack ofstructure being forced to stay at homeand it’s just kind of disrupted mecompletely so I find that taking classesand exploring workshops you’re doingthings I’ve never done beforejust helps me kind of give me thatroutine if you’re feeling anxious like alot of us are exploring your creativityit could actually keep those negativefeelings at bay what’s great withSkillshare premium is that there are noads there’s always new premium contentcoming out and it’s around ten dollars amonth only for the annual subscriptionfee so it’s really not that much whenyou compare it to face-to-face classesor other classes online I’ve been takinga class by Greg McGowan he’s the authorof essentialism he has a class calledsimple productivity how to accomplishmore with less and since we have moretime now and if you’re like me you’rekind of reassess in your goals andobjectives and what’s gonna happen afterthis period of just staying at home andit might help to just kind of figure outhow to find balance in what you do andreally just focusing on what youconsider as essential for your businessor for your life usually we offer a freetwo month trial of Skillshare premiumit’s at five hundred the first peoplethat click the link that we put in thedescription box belowbut this time the first 1000 people whoclick that link in the description boxwill get to try Skillshare premium fortwo months absolutely free to do it nowlet’s go back to our pancakes continuingdown the rabbit hole of healthy buttasty I give you the coconut dairy andgluten free low-carb protein rich fullof good fat pancake 1/4 cup of coconutflour 3 eggs 1 tablespoon of maple syrupremove this if you want to make thisketo 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1teaspoon of baking powderone teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/2teaspoon of salt when mixing this you’llrealize that the coconut flour doesn’treally play well with the otheringredients so grainy texture isexpected once done let it rest for 20minutes[Applause]cook it on a really low heat to give thetop a little more time to cook withoutburning the bottom the flip here is alittle bit more difficult but that’sfine you can always clean it up a littlebit so this could possibly be one of thehealthiest we’ve done so far obviouslywe’ve coconut flour you’ll get somethinglike grittier you don’t really taste theeggs much and if you want to go reallyhealthy just remove the maple syrup it’snot as fluffy but it does feel veryhealthy but it’s still very good itdoesn’t necessarily mean it’s badokay back to things that bring us joyhere’s my go-to fluffy pancake recipe ina bowl mix 1 cup of sifted flour with 2teaspoons of baking powder 1/2 ateaspoon of salt 2 tablespoons of sugarhalf a teaspoon of baking soda 1 egg 3/4cups of milk 2 tablespoons of meltedbutter mix everything together with afork and let rest covered for 30 minutesyou might be noticing a pattern I alwaystell you to let it rest I should haveadded this to the commandments and let’smake this number 11 always rests yourpancake batter do not use it right awaygive it some time 1530 minutes ideallyoutside in a room temperature just sothat it gives it a little more puff whencooking cook it on low medium heat andtime that flip properly to give it thatperfect[Music]the region of France my dad is fromBrittany is known for crepes and theyuse two types of flours Cuomo and Salimthe latter is basically buckwheat andit’s only used for when the fillings ofthe cup are savory you can do this withpancakes too buckwheat is also set to befiltered good protein fiber andmanganese a half cup of buckwheat flour1 and 1/4 cups of whole milk 4tablespoons of olive oil 1 tablespoon ofsugar 1 tablespoon of baking powder 1/2a teaspoon of salt and 1 egg the mixturewill feel stickier due to the waybuckwheat absorbs liquid it’s normalrelax let it rest these would be so goodwith a fried eggs some grated meltedEmmental cheese and[Music]probably one of my favorites texture isvery different it’s a bit kind of likemore dense and flavor-wise and that’swhy I decided to add honey it does tendto go towards more of a savory side ofthings so this with them kind of fleshand maybe some salmon or even some hamand cheese right on top you can kind ofmake like a pancake sandwich wouldactually be really tasty vegans I didnot forget you the vegan pancake mix onecup of flour one cup of almond flour twotablespoons of chaff seeds left to sitfifteen minutes with six tablespoons ofwater to give you an egg white lighttexture one tablespoon of sugar 1/2teaspoon of salt 2 tablespoons ofcoconut oil 2 tablespoons of lemon juice1 teaspoon of baking powder 1/2 a cup ofalmond milk and mix it all together ifyou need it to be more runny just adjustthe amount of almond milk let rest thesewill be much more dense than what you’reused to so cook them very slowly on thelowest fire possible to make sure it’scompletely cooked through[Music]it’s funny how people talk aboutbuttermilk as if everyone knows what itis in Asia we can’t really findbuttermilkso these american-style pancakes alwaysfeel so elusive to us way back whenbuttermilk was a liquid remaining afterbutter was made that’s really no longerthe casenow it’s basically cultured meaningbacteria is probably added to the milkto induce a controlled fermentation as asubstitute all you have to do is taketwo cups of whole full fat milk and mixin two tablespoons of lemon juice orwhite vinegar and wait 15 minutes whatup buttermilkmix 1 and 1/2 cup of flour 2 teaspoonsof baking powder 1/2 teaspoon of bakingsoda a tablespoon of sugar 1/4 teaspoonof salt 1 egg 1 and 1/2 cup ofbuttermilk and 2 tablespoons of meltedbutter let rest if you’ve been toAmerican diner as before some of themhave pancakes that are quite large andflat and that’s another style so whatwe’re gonna do here to emulate that isbeat the batter until it’s completelysmooth breaking one of our commandmentsso that you get something that’s stilllight but not hugely fluffy when cookingyou’ll see that the smooth batter willactually spread wider and give you anice circular shape this is also thetype of recipe that I would actuallymess around with by adding maybe someblueberries and fruit or some bacon andNutella I mean why not[Music]last recipe alert these are our fancypancakes the ones you post on Instagramat brunchso lemon ricotta pancakes 1 in 1/2 cupof all-purpose flour three and a halftablespoons of sugar 2 teaspoons ofbaking powder 1/4 teaspoon of bakingsoda 3 eggs a cup of milk a tablespoonof melted butter 1/4 cup of ricottacheese 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 2tablespoons of lemon zest1/4 cup of lemon juice and rest for 30minutesthese look good when they have a rusticshaped kind of freeform and likefree-spirited[Music]I hope you guys enjoy that if there areany recipes that I missed out on do letme know in the comments below and alsolet me know what other kinds of videoswant to do I gotta go take care of mybaby you know see ya[Music]

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