Pancakes serve as easy and tasty breakfast
plain flour – 1cup
sugar – ¼cup
Coco powder – 1½ tabs
butter – 2 tabs
baking soda – ½ tsp
baking powder – 1½ tsp
milk – ½cup
salt – 1 pinch
butter milk – 3tabs
vanilla essence – 1tsp
Method :
In a bowl whisk flour , cocopowder sugar, baking soda, baking powder,and salt.
Gradually add wet ingredient Butter, milk, vanilla essence and whisk until smooth batter.
heat a pan and pour ⅛cup of batter for each pancakes cook until bubbles start to form on the surface of pancake about 2 to 3 miniutes flip & cook.
Query solved
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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