Play Holiday Programme – playing virtually during lockdown – Facebook video 7th April 2020
Making pancakes with your children!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I know everybody so we are here onWednesday this is our third video thisweek with more activities that you cando from home that we can I’m going toshow you how to do I hope you enjoyedmonday’s live video if you haven’t seenit scroll down it will be down below onthe page and yesterday’s video withthose fantastic pancakes that I couldstill taste in my moutha day later so where it Indigo’sbeautiful we need to come here to feedthe animals anyway so for you to do athome and then post is a picture of youguys doing it we want to see how you gotalong we’ve also got going a littlecompetition over Easter this is the weekwhere there is somewhere in this gardenhidden somewhere now if you find it wewill give the chopper to them or ifthere’s loads of you random so today’svideo is being filmed by our lovely ashand we’ve got our fantasticoso Tony what are we doing todaybasically[Music]boiling water so they do this on theirhogs don’t ya okay all right fantasticlet’s see how you do it so what we cando the microwave is melted the chocolatestraight off in the microwave see whatTony is coating it shall we pan aroundand see where that shots of tech mightbe mmmcomment down belowand meanwhile look at it here’s one wemade earlier if you trust me I can holdone and they could young people can makedeath as a surprise for their for theirSunday Easter meal yeah I mean it’squite chocolate sometimes you could doit with what’s it called honey we canget it together with honey it’s a littlebit sickly though isn’t it I much preferyours and then you put them in thefridge to just set this eat they wouldnever say it looks amazing thank youvery much thank you Tony so backtomorrow twelve O’Clock plato baseFacebook keep playing keep making theseis a lush take a photo send them to usand we’ll see you tomorrowtwelve o’clock Plato Bay Facebook pagekeep playing stay safe