Pancakes Recipes

Day in my life vlog: making pancakes, yoga, cake in a mug and some cleaning

Spend the day with me and see what I get up to during lockdown. I also introduce you to my family while we make some yummy treats and cleaning the house.

♡Yoga class♡

♡Pancake recipe♡
140g cake flour
5ml baking powder
2ml salt
2 eggs
200ml milk
175ml water
125ml sunflower oil

Add cake flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk together the eggs, milk, water and oil. Add everything together and whisk till the mixture forms a cream like consistency. Add a lit bit of oil to pan and start frying.

♡Cake in a mug recipe♡

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Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription

morning guysjust waiting I’ve got my cup of coffeestill shedding my pajamas and I justthought I would take you along on my dayout of Ottoman is not much if you can’tdidn’t lock down I’m like a little butexercise I haven’t on your good ages soI might try a little yoga class and yeahlet me show you my slippers these thingsare so cool I really love them and whatI want to say to you guys so I find itreally hard to try stay positive doinglockdown but what I do in the morning isjust say something that I’m thankful forand it’s more actually thankful that Ihad the time to actually start I needyou Channel it’s everything I’ve wantedto soft ages but I never had the timeand life time as I should giving me thattime so I’d be thankful every morningfor something so let me finish my coffeego get dressed and yeah we’ll dosomething oh yeahsee you guys[Music]okay so that was the yoga she died againbut oh what’s wrong with these batteriesthat was so much fun that’s always sogood to just start it out with some kindof movement I mean that was quite aneasy yoga class because one from biobeautiful I will try to put the videovideo it was in the little descriptionbox below and as you guys could see mylittle dougie did you go with me and Idon’t know what we’re gonna do next Ithink I’m gonna go get dressed and thenI’ll see from me okay guys byeso as part of my morning routine I justthought I’d show you quickly how I’lljust speed you through it but I’m justgonna make up the bait I don’t know justgive me some sort of feeling ofaccomplishment that I started out at meto do that[Music]so obviously you guys I’m my name is ifyou haven’t seen my other videos andthis is a random doing in the middle ofthe video but I thought I wanted toquickly just introduce the rest of myfamily to you guys okay so I’m justgonna find them let me just turn thiscamera around so let’s get this thingthat is my dad he’s busy sitting workingand here you can see the other Nanni’sdon’t see them now okay what up in thecamera now you eating my fingersso that’s dad in the dog is my fiancehello future life Beauty food news Itried it and it doesn’t have a bad tastebut I’m just like really funny ontextures and the texture of this stuffis not great so thank you forced to eatthem and how does it taste actuallytastes quite amazing but the problem isalso have too many eggs and bacon andall these lovely things that give methis tummy year so I’ve got to try andget a little bit more healthy and thisis actually delicious greens here thelittle bit of honey pleaseto Thomas that very healthy yet goodnice quick covers amazing intwo hot chocolate none of it is used Iwant the papers please I do what I wantto save that I want to first use thatone because we open the five ours isfirst cutting your head offso with some money with some honeyplease oh you want some coffeeno that took me it was cleaned what aserious eating problem doing a knockdownI don’t know if anyone elses we have toopen it like that it’s not some peopletold me there’s tons and tons of insideI was gonna get them all I don’t likemilking my cutie thanks babyI don’t know what were you doing okayand I’ll show you guys mommy yummy greentea need I’m gonna go drink it I’ll seeyou guys laterin this kitchen quickly and we have amiserable days I think I might make somepancakes for lunch[Music]professor we’re making pancakes aren’tvodka as you can see the locker like anancient recipe and Mike – illusionist Ineeded to put the dishes out so that Icould make space for more dishes by theway that dishwasher was probably myappearances or married 59 years ago it’sa d5 is amazing back to the pancakes andyeah I have proceeded on the part I hada photograph of cake flour baking powdertriples of a of the salt to age genderroles of more happy 55 groups of waterit’s easier to put a name in Jewisha little bit sour and if you want souryou can watch but they can use over thephone yourself and mean a hundred 2500is sunflower oil and I gave it or notwhat and I just not putting cinnamonsugar for guys up with white teaspoon ofcinnamon in and then three teaspoons ofsugarso let’s get Cuba make me fire[Music][Music][Music][Music]okayon thisso we’ll show you Audrey’s here’s thefirst pitch well but I think it willspeed you through the research[Music]those pancakes were so good we do needto work on our skills and our pancakeskills uh but the flipping andeverything but you know what if therewas still tasty you’re not gonna messwith methat we need to quickly clean up and todo I might just do a quick vacuum just alittle half sake and we’ll take it off[Music]so as you can see I’m very lucky Craigdoes help me in the kitchen but I don’tknow if any of the other woman have gotthis problem of please or Playstationand he’s got a little issue of the placethat he’s play playstation so I don’tknow if anyone else has got this problemthat’s the concentration face and welldoctor routine everyday robots 334 wejust got outside so I’ll show youeveryone so this is also if you oftennew new team we’ve got the frisbee if wegot the Rottweiler it really loves it soyeah join us on a bit of afternoon Vanya[Applause][Music]and sometimes D increases our Paula andshe’s managed to curve it as well sothat’s not a good combination for me yousee so she gets upset now so she musthave all the attentionso yeah so that’s all cool off Dominionactivity cookie make some dinner it’slike a real smash-and-grab evening sowhat about some soup that I defrosted wemade the super party weeks ago and it’slike a bean tomorrow with a kitty beansbeef and tomato puree potato so it’sjust like a really simple easy healthyin addition pieces written well and thenI’m gonna have my company like a littlebraid and we’ll just have these Y freeCraig is more than likely going to havethe leftover nachos from last nightwe’ll just speed you long with a dinner[Music]hey guys so this is dinner soup nachosand we gonna watch some moss to shave itis the new one we already aheadso mastership has inspired me to do morecooking so I’m going to make a chocolatecake in the Mike Top Chef Top Chefcombine flour sugar cocoa and bakingpowderOh everything just gets all smashed infor the fork stir it up until there’s nolumps and then you put four[Music]so unity said and will be placed it’snot salt of predominanceso here’s my MasterChef judges thisevening I have served up chocolate cakein a mug with vanilla bean ice cream Idon’t quite know to be very honest it’smy first time ever making this cause I’mgetting worried you don’t know if thisis good or bad can someone say somethingpleaseI’ve only got one thing to say and whatis it tomorrow that’s again okay hmmthank you for joining a little episodeof boss the shave sure I actually feltthat quite a busy day guys uh ready forbead seat to bead thank you so much forjoining me and all of us my littlefamily in my life hope you guys enjoyedit please comment any of the videos youwould like to see when you think I’llshow you want me to form to show you Ireally think what some other thingslined up oh well I’m skinny saw holdeven camera take care guys I’m here withmy green tea that’s why I’m not here ityou’ll conquer it a bit without it but Ihope everyone had a like a day I know Idid some and stay home stay safe guysand told me job

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