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Video Transcription
okay guys for bonus ready okay guys I’mbackhey Connor I have some bad news for youand I’m on the livestream right now soeveryone can hear yousay hi say hi okay um so Connor I havesome bad news people let me just turnoff the livestream okay the last roomsoff so um I just want to tell you like Imight have hacked into your Instagramaccount yeah and I might have did somebad things like I might you know howyou’re dating Lauren yeah I might havesort of on your own account I might havemade her get cheated on because I askedAlex out on your Instagram account soand the problem is Connor is you knowand Connor you sorted the let’s just saythat Alex said yes to youso what are you well you have twogirlfriends now Connor you got it youcan’t no I’m not not going to bro you’regonna call me a blind D okay I’mstarting this live stream up okay guyssorry Alex and Connor dating now so yeahyeah they are yeah they are guys ConnorI’m showing you to all my viewersand guys I just I just want to admit toyou if you want to go in public honourgo to Connor underscore mondieu which isco NN o are what I say uh-huhI miss score mo and dou X and then hispassword is beep beep okay Rob betterleave that out for mehey hey Connor Connor Alex just sent youfor red hearts and ten kiss emojis withI love you what do you want me to sayback to her let me see back to what doyou ho using vector n color I have somebad newsI told Lauren to break up with you so yoGod bro so I don’t know what you’regonna do with this dude but it’sgearbest now it’s not dude I havesomething to tell you hon I’ll be rightback corner okay look we wouldn’t dosomething right nowokay guys so this prank just I’m gonnain the corner I’m gonna tell him that Iactually didn’t hack his account butAlex does actually like him let’s seehow they keep great keep goingokay cloner I’m back I just wanted totell you I actually didn’t hack youraccount brobut Alex does actually like you becauseuh hey Connoryou just got pragma Drago okay I’ll beback Carter guys hope you enjoyed thatvideo now get going because they thinkI’ll just be meow