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#BananaChocolateChipPancakes Recipe:
-1 banana
-2 eggs
-chocolate chips
1) Cut up Banana
2) Put banana an cracked eggs into a blender
3) Blend banana and eggs together until smooth
4) Pour batter into frying pan on high heat.
5) Add chocolate chips
6) Flip pancakes when brown on underside
7) Repeat as wanted.
8) Enjoy!!
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey what’s up you guys it’s you from ourgo here back again with another cookingwith Marvel video and today I am goingto be making banana chocolate chippancakesobviously the chocolate chips areoptional if you wanted to be healthierthen just go ahead and leave us out thisis actually recipe that I learned fromwhen I was a camp counselor temporarilyat summer camp I was one of the cookinginstructors and we made a lot of funthings at camp but this is definitelyone of my favorites because it justsurprised me how so few ingredientscould taste so good together so let’s goahead and jump right in for today’srecipe you’re gonna need[Music]and this really is it there’s nothingelse that you’re gonna need for thisrecipe yeah let’s just jump right in andI’ll show you how to do this so toolsrise all you’re going to need is ablender a frying pan and something toflip the pancakes with good use a foodprocessor as well but all I got is ablender and this works awesome so youare going to need to chop up this bananathis is an old hot so it should reallybe that big of an issueyou don’t need to be too overly excitedabout just that all the pieces can getmuch stuck together[Music]next things next you just crack the eggsbring to the blender right[Music]good put this on[Music]you just want to be okay so we have ourbatter I guess you could call it Turneroh I’m just gonna spray this with somecooking spray I’m not really that muchand now that it’s a little bit heated upI could feel it I’m just gonna do[Music][Music]I’m gonna take some my hand justsprinkle them on therewait[Music]no really have to wait very long it’snot a long process it’s just fiveminutes per pancake I guess depending onhow high you love the sheet after thethird or fourth batch you kind of haveto turn downit’s to me like they’re starting to hookup a little bit so they’re gonna reallythey’re usually really close to eachother and I see a large pan so yeah sothey’re starting a testobviously I’m not the best at flippingbut I fixed it so it’s okayturn this down a little bitgo[Music]therefor the other side to touch that’s ourfirst batch of Pancakes yeah so thisrecipe is always made I didn’t thinkthat I would ever like banana pancakesbut the more you know rightthese are very easy they’re you know agood thing to have during finals I justfinished up my finals and it’s okay ifthey look a little bit burnt they’resupposed to because they don’t have aNeely they’re not gonna look like yournormal average pancakes they’re gonnalook a little burnt but that’s okay theystill taste great and they don’t tastebuy a few moments later[Music]so out there a few minutes you couldn’tput them on a separate plate I could getit on the spatulathere we goyou can start our next batch[Music][Applause][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]Oh[Music]and that’s all there is to it now yougot six banana chocolate chip pancakesready to eat so now it’s time for thetaste testokay so sear up here so the milk neverget this air about them because who haspancakes without syrup[Music]okaynow the chocolate chips good likemoneythe chocolate chips they kind of friedlike in the pancake[Music]Pontyreally really good so do all the recipeI’ll put it down in the descriptionbelow let me know what you want me tocook or do next I’m sorry I’ve been alittle bit slow with the videos lately Iwas having finals and it’s a hardadjustment netilat we’re in quarantineso thank you for bearing with me and ifI have a video for you on Thursday andthen I do if not then I’ll see you onTuesdayalso if you do want try out theserecipes mum furlings videos um post momInstagram and tag them with the hashtagcooking with murderum just to let me know that you likethem um or you could leave climate downthey just cut people out that works tooum yeah thanks so much for watching[Music]