Pancakes Recipes

Cooking with Connor and Craig – Pancakes

A how to cook pancakes video

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[Music]Garet morning everyone and so you’veasked for some cooking videos to appearon our YouTube channel so for to startoff with a favorite of ours in our houseespecially for breakfast is pancakesKhan is going to go through things youneed and then you’re gonna see usprepare them and cook them in real timeso you should be able to follow thevideo along and do it with us as wellbut then you’ve also got the option topause it’s taking a little bit if youwant other things other ideas and thingsyou’d like us to show you how to cook[Music]well any typos would work reallyolive oil sunflower oil and you knowwhat kind of there’s something that wecan miss maybe you can get it from thecupboard really quick he’s something toflip our pancakes everyonewe have our special Christmas treeyoufor the pancakes we need some flour wehave 400 people in our house that we arefeeling so we need 400 grams of fatswhat type of flowers that come is itplain also present now our house somesome people in our house can’t eat flourso we’ve actually got some specialgluten-free flour but you can just usenormal flour it doesn’t make adifferencewe don’t eat cow’s milk in our house sowe have some almond milk but you canalso use cow’s milk if you’d like or anyother type no soy milk or oat milk oranything so-called Oh what if we didn’thave for hungry people what if we onlywanted to make pancakes say for twopeople how many eggs would we use themif we had more people or we were justfeeling a little bit more hungry todayif you were feeding five people or youwere just more hungry then you wouldneed 5 eggs 500 grams of flourand here are some toppings that we liketo have in our house but you can haveanything from ice cream to chocolatesyrup to Nutella to sprinkles and youknow what they pancakes are also nice asa savory thing with maybe some beans andone thing we forgot to tell you in theequipment list that we need you can tellwe’ve not done this before with makingmistakes and it’s weighing scales allright okay so how you gonna know you’vegot four grams of flour so first thingI’m gonna do is I’m gonna put my mixingbowl on the scales down here now I don’taway my mixing bowl so those scales oftheir digital we’ll have a button thatgets you back to zero and it’s normallycalled tear so if you tap that thescales go back to zero and that’s reallyreally important we need to start onzero with our bowl before we add theflour in and then we’re just going topour in I’m not going to sit it this isa nice simple pancake recipe and and Iwas gonna keep looking at the numbersuntil we’ve got 400 grams and thisrecipe is also quite forgiving becauseI’ve got a little bit over and a littlebit over is okay all right if I go quitea bit over best way to get the flour outof the bowl and back into the packagejust get spoon and then you can take alittle bit out and you can put it backin to the bag so there’s my flour putthat over on the side for a minute don’tneed the scales if I put these away nowto keep tidy and have lots of space somy four eggs there are lots of differentways to crack eggs I’m going to show yousomethingright way or wrong way it’s just whatworks better for you so I like to use alittle knife and I’ve got a plate hereto put my shelves and they had manyshelves on afterwards so hold it overthe bowl so if I do drop any bits itgoes into the bowl give it a little tapwith the knife so there’s a crack and Ican put both my thumbs in and gentlypull it apartall right and then for the eggshells toone site you can it’s really hard onthis board because it’s plastic untilyou’ve got a crack surface as well butthat was really hard and the number oftimes Commerce than that he’s had endedup with egg on his toes and then thelast day and it goes if you do drop anyshells in you can try to try and pickthem out with your fingers but now I’vegot I’ve got my fingers so I’m justgonna do a quick rinse okay so now we’vegot the egg seen the next thing is singbecause corn is really good at washingup and wash those up in a little secondsnow Nick how much milk you know it’swhen we talking about ingredients we’venot talked about measuring down becausethis is something that you can you canchange alright and if you like the thickand Geeksthen if you like it it’s a little bitmore but we’ll show you what we mean ina sec so you start by putting in alittle bit of milk and now I’m going tostop mixing up because what I want tosee is what my batter is going to lookcome look come get closer to this pointsee what it’s like as we mix it up allright now this is quite a thick andsticky and that is too thick to makepancakes so I’m going to put in somemore milk an empty bowl that’s why I’vegot another one hereBoop so right make a little bit of amess now whisking can be quite difficulton your arms so what you could use ifyou could use an electric whisk like theone that’s popping up on the screen nowor you can put it into one of the bigmachines like what’s popping up on thescreen now alright so here’s my butterthat’s still really thick and sticky soI’m going to need some more milk inthere and remember you can always add alittle bit more but you can take it bycount again alright so always add alittle bit at a timeyou’ll never get an X get those armsgoing alright that’s a little bit thickbit more milk now kind of what pancakeswe doing today we’re gonna do the thickones or two months got a spoon here if Iwas doing the thick ones come have alook look in see when I pour the batterin I see I can make a little ribbon onthe top and the spoons nice and coatedall right that would be some good butterfor some thick pancakesall right this state tried to stopadding the milk but koala wants thinones so I want a little bit more milk inherewhoops I am not the cleanest cook I’vealready made a little bit of a mess gotkitchen all right let’s wipe it up assoon as you make the mess bit more milkthere we go that’s a nice thing butterall rightI can’t draw a line on the top anymorebecause it just goes away too quicklythat’s a nice thin butter for makingpancakes with all right so there we goour butter is right then so anotherpiece of equipment we forgot to tell youabout at the beginning you can tellwe’ve not done one of these before whathave you got in your hand there commenta ladle and we’ll use that to get thebatter out of the bowl and into thefrying pan again if you want to make ita little bit easier put your batter intoa jug and then pour it in to your panit’s completely right think Renee’s commis going to tell us how to cook somepancakes before you turn it on make surethat the pan is not hot before you putthe oil on see that’s a bit of oil andthen we get the kitchen paper fromearlier and then we wipe it aroundso remember this is when things aregoing to start to get hot and you mightneed another around to help you youmight need oil depending on what yourplans like luckily our plan is quitequite a good one that we’re probablyonly to oil at the beginning but youmight need to add a little bit of oil toyour pan every so often if the pancakesstart to stick we’re going to do thatbit paper now all right so we’ve got agas cooker then you can see the flameunderneath it’s on as high as it will goa little bit what number should beCountyright before we start cooking ourpancakes we need to do need to make sureour plans fall so I’ve got a littleteaspoon here I’m going to take a littlebit of the butter and just pour it onwhat we want to see is a sizzle and wedon’t have a sizzle yet so our pans notquite ready all right so leave it alittle bit longer maybe you can’t countto ten let’s go again with this spoonand see whether we get sizzle this timewe can hear a sizzle so we know our planis ready for cooking but before we dothat we can get our spatula and we canjust scrape off these little minipancakes and we can throw those awaystart off with a nice clean count andsee how Khan has got his bowl reallyclose to his frying-pan so I’m justgonna scrape the label on the side so hedoesn’t make a dribbly metal over thecounter we’re making a nice thin roundpancakes you might want to tip thebatter to the edges now what it doesn’tmatter at this stage if your pancakesaround it doesn’t matter or they startto look like a little bit of a sad rainkind of like Collins does at the momentand that is okay it’s all about practicethe more pancakes you make the betteryou get at making the nice shapingthings this is still gonna taste awesomeright now what we’re looking for thepancake has started to change we’restarting to get some bubbles on the topall right now that gives us a good ideathat the pancake is starting to cookunderneath and maybe is ready to turnover now of course you can show off likethey do in the TV programs and flip itso the pancake goes in the air but ifyou’ve seen we’ve been friend you wouldhave seen pancakes sticking onto theceiling and on people’s heads so that’swhy we’ve got a spatula and Connor’sgoing to flip the pancake under hereit isn’t probably cooked yet because ithasn’t gone a little bit brown just gonea bit dirtybut look it started to peel off and thatis a good sign that it started to cutnow what’s really hard is when you’re athome your stove might take a little bitlonger to cook your pancakes it mightcook them a bit quicker so you are justgoing to have to use your eyes when weflip this one over there you’ll knowwhat we want the pancakes to look likeall right should we flip them over thenConnie so this is all really good stuffso where it started to go a little bitgolden brown that’s a good sign thepancakes cooked now on this side itwon’t take us long to cook all right soyou need to be really careful at thisstage now corn is going to get a plateout because we need somewhere to put thepancakes that we’ve closed as we goshall we check underneath the pancakesperfect there we gothere’s pancake number one now whatConnors going to do is just going torepeat that until we’ve got a pancakesso what we’ve done is we’ve put our ovenon the lowest temperature it will gobecause then we can put all of ourcooked pancakes in the oven and nowthey’ll just stay warm they won’t cookanymore but they’ll stay warm whileConnor cooks the rest of the pancakesand that means that we can all sit downand the our pancakes together all rightso just let me show you one more timegetting the butter into the pan a littlescraper scrape you on the side pour itin and then giving the pan handle littleweedsno one’s going to carry on cooking thatone the great thing is with pancake mixis that if you decided if you’ve madetoo much and you’ve got pancakes missingactually this is going to be enough thisyou can just pop in the fridge eitherpour it into a clean empty bottle andpop it in the fridge or just put thisbit clingfilm over the top of that andthat will keep for a couple of days soyou could just make some more pancakestomorrow or the next which might happenand that’s fine all you need to do thisstage is turn the temperature down alittle bit I he’s the one who’s incontrol of the temperature and thatmeans he can cook things as fast or asslow as all the pancakes are cooked andthey’re just keeping warm for us downeven though the opens on its notemperature it still be warm so Kaunasgot some oven gloves the tables readyfor breakfast and there’s an empty mapon the table as well just because theplate will be hot you want to damage thetable there we go look at that stack ofpancakes cottage canoeing but how manypancakes you know roughly okay so thatbut for xforms grams flour is probablymade somewhere between ten and fifteenpancakes so that’s our first videohopefully you’ve enjoyed it what wouldbe great is if you could take photos orlittle videos of you cooking thepancakes or following the video get yourmums and dads to put them on theevidence for learning and so we can seehow you’ve been getting on and and maybeuse the comment string below this totell us what anything else you’d like usto cook and it would be great to see youagain and then see how you’ve beengetting on keep safe keep wellsee you soon bye-byeyou[Music]

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