Hi guys! Today we’re making these awesome pork belly and scallion pancakes. In this video we’re going to show you how to confit pork belly in the oven, how to make scallion pancakes, how to make a gastrique at home, and how to pickle carrots and ginger.
1 pound boneless & skinless pork belly
4 cups of neutral oil or animal fat (to season add salt, star anise, a cinnamon stick, black pepper corns, bay leaves, ginger, and garlic)
Pancakes (recipe inspired from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iew9c7wDfgM)
2 cups of flour
4 stalks of scallions
3/4 cups of warm water
2 tablespoon sesame oil
Pickled Carrots:
3 carrots
1 nub of ginger
1 cup of rice vinegar
2 tablespoons of white sugar
1 tablespoon of salt
Hoisin Gastrique:
1 cup of balsamic vinegar (or black vinegar if you can find it)
1/4 cup of white sugar
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
3 tablespoons of hoisin
Music by MYSM – Soft Cream – https://thmatc.co/?l=F67CB91D
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to our Channeltoday we’re gonna show you how they madethese scallion pancakes with pork bellyconfit and a hoisting gastrique it’s abit of a tongue twister this is probablythe most complicated recipe we’ve madethus far and it has four componentsalthough it may look intimidating we’regonna go through each step in detail andshow you how easy it is to make it homefirst we’re gonna start by making a porkbelly so here we have a 1 pound bonelessand skinless pork belly that we got fromour butcher we’re just going to cube itso that it fits nicely in our pot thisrecipe is a play on roast duck andscallion pancakesso I originally wanted to make duckthighs since they’re traditionally usedin confit but unfortunately we cannotfind any duck so we went with pork bellyhere because of a similar fat content[Music]we tested this recipe the previous dayso our oil is already seasoned but ifyou’re using a new oil or an animal fatyou want to add a pinch of salt andaromatics for flavor when you’re copyingyou want to make sure the meat is fullysubmerged in your fat also I’ll behonest here we probably cook the porkbelly at a little bit too high of atemperature ideally you want this tocook at about 200 degrees you definitelydon’t want to fry your protein we cookthe meat for about three hours in theoven and then we proceed to sear themeat on both sides to give it a littlebit of a crisp[Music]so next we’re going to do a quick pickleand this is pretty simple just cut somecarrots into thin long strips not quitea julienne add some ginger flames andthen for the brain we use rice vinegartwo part sugar to one part slot and wealso added some dried chili flakes forspiceonce everything is bottled you shouldlet it sit in the refrigerator for 24hours before using okay so now it’s timeto make the scallion pancakes we useflour sesame oil salt scallions and warmwater to start we’re going to add theflour and salt and a mixing bowl and addthe warm water in incrementsI have to admit when Gerald first toldme we were making scallion pancakes Iwas a little skeptical I’ve never had asavory pancake but just trust me theseare bomb and plus they’re more similarin texture to a tortilla[Music]this is a relatively sick Edo but itwill dry out as you work it later oncecall if your water is fully incorporatedyou can knead the dough for five minuteson a floured surfaceafter kneading the dough for fiveminutes it should look like this you’regonna wrap it in plastic wrap and leaveit on the counter to rest for aboutthirty minutes so it’s been 30 minutesand the dough is rested we’re just gonnaput it on a floured surface and divideour big dough ball into force[Music]all right so I’m just gonna roll out oneof those dough balls until they’re niceand flat so this is a pretty trickyprocess obviously you don’t want to tearyour dough but you do want it to bequite thin[Music]as you can see here I’m constantlyworking the dough just moving it aroundmaking sure it isn’t sticking to thesurface making sure it’s not sticking tothe rolling pin just making sure it’snot sticking at all because that’s that[Music]once your dough is nice and thin you’regonna roll it up you’re going to use thetips of your fingers to push it intolike a tube once it’s pushed into acylinder you want to roll that up almostlike a snail I don’t think that soundsappetizing that’s the only thing I canthink ofif you guys are enjoying this video sofar make sure you leave a like make sureyou comment and make sure you subscribealso make sure you share this video withyour friends we’re working hard out hereonce you have it rolled up you’re goingto essentially repeat the same processyou’re gonna make sure it’s nice andfloured you’re going to roll it out niceand real thin and then this time theonly difference is you’re going to addyour sesame oil and your scallions thesesame oil trust metakes it to the next level it’s anessential part of this recipe so makesure you add your sesame oil as you cansee here we added the sesame oil withour fingers if you have a kitchen brushuse that now we’re gonna add ourscallions to the dough sprinkle them onpretty evenly and just roll it up likebefore[Music]and I had some trouble trying to get thein tucked in nicely whatever you do justmake sure you get it in there so it’snice and secure when you’re rolling gotyour final pancake[Music][Music]and don’t worry trying to get some ofthe skylines back in the dope they fallout just pop them back in there it’s notthat big of a deal[Music]okay so now you’re gonna cut out yourpancakes of course you can fry them asis that we wanted ours to look a littleneater so we use their own mold to cutout a perfect little circle this recipeyielded us about 10 pancakes and whileyou’re rolling them out store them inbetween to dip paper towels okay so nowit’s time to fry them you want to cookthese in a neutral oil that can bewalnut oil sunflower oil whatever kindof oil you have on hand that has a highsmoke pointso we have our cast iron pan onmedium-high heat here you just want agriddle these pancakes for about two tothree minutes on each side until they’renice and golden brown once you’re donecooking we’re just gonna store them on apaper towel to remove any excess oil youwant to make sure to slot them whilethey’re still hot okay you made it tothe end this is the final step now we’regonna make our hoisin gastrique okay soyou’ll need sugar balsamic vinegarhoisin and soy sauce if you can findblack vinegar instead of balsamic usethat we couldn’t find it we’re gonna addour ingredients to a small saucepan andput it on medium-high heat until it’snice and big[Music]okay guys here I am looking at myself inthe spoon you want to cook this untilyou basically can’t see yourself anymoreuntil it’s thick enough that it coatsthe spoon completely[Music]sidenote you do want to keep thismixture warm though otherwise it’s gonnaget super thick and really hard to use[Music]we had so much fun pleading it we weretrying to be fancy and everything[Music]but we ate it up this was amazingone of the best things I’ve ever tastedI would highly encourage you guys pleasemake this is so good