Pancakes Recipes

Cook with me & Muckbang! (3 ingredients protein pancakes recipe 🥞)

I always loved cooking & baking, so I decided to make Pancakes using protein power, bananas, and egg whites. Only Using 3 ingredients and found a recipe on google. So, here is a video of me doing something I love to do, which is cooking. ☺️ The recipe is on my thumbnail, if anyone is interested of trying it. And if you do try it let me know how it came out in the comments or send me pictures on my social media.

Like I said, I always loved cooking and baking for as long as I could remember, but sometimes my health gets in the way of that a lot. But, this day I was feeling a little better from the day before when I have a massive Flare up due to my Pseudotumor cerebri.

Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys this cooking videos, and if you do, let me know I would love to make more!

Thank you for watching! ☺️

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Instagram: @jaraysha1121, @iih_warrior_jay
Snapchat: jaraysha_21

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

[Music]everybody’s razor here so I decided todo a decloak 3-ingredient pancake andI’m gonna do it so I’ll show you theingredients so the first thing they toldme to do is a banana three egg whitesand protein powder one scoop of proteinpowder so so it doesn’t say to add thisin there but I’m gonna add this pumpkinspice these are like truffles orwhatever I’m going to add it into mypancakes so okay so the first thing isI’m going to write my banana and put itin here on smash it[Music][Music]the next one I’m going to do is I’mgoing to pour it into this bowl herethat’s going to be mixed with everything[Music]the next thing you tells me to do therecipe is to crack I believe three eggsI have to look back hold on[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]all right so this is my last and so farI’m doing pretty good besides that firstegg it was like hard I don’t I neverdone like taking the egg yoga I know wecan buy it like whites not the egg yolksorry but we don’t have egg whites atthe house just egg whites so we justhave regular eggs like in a carton soI’m trying my bestwhatever the ingredient I mean therecipe doesn’t say to do anything withthe egg yolk so I’m probably just gonnathrow it out so I’m gonna try to getthis egg and then the next thing it saysto mix a scoop of protein powder so Idon’t have protein fouler this isvanilla cream it doesn’t say which kindto use so I’m just gonna use this one Iknow I just had regular vanilla but Idon’t know where it’s at in my mykitchen so I just found this one so I’mgonna use a scoop of this[Music]so next thing is just mixing it so I’mgonna get the blender our total once ayesthis w see the box this blender your momhad this blender sent this blender islike older than me and I’m 22 years oldso this blender is really old but thissounds like the best blender[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]today I’m a little shaky like a littleshaky and I still have a headache soplease excuse me like my hand is veryshaky and numb so I’ve had a roughhealth day yesterday the past two daysbut I’m feeling pretty good today I havea headache here and behind my eyes butit’s not as bad and I decided to cookand record a video because I’m not gonnalet that get to me you know[Music]it’s just been a rough two days like andI don’t know what’s going on with mybody so there’s just more like pancakeso hopefully I can do it I’m gonna letit I should have just put like I shouldhave just made one and put it in themiddle like instead of trying to makethree pancakes because I’m really bad atme two pegs so this one kinda messed up[Music]I’m just waiting for them to startbubbling and you like my shirt isrhettandlink is my favorite youtubers sothey’re already started bubbling Ozzysee[Music]just flip them over look at this oneit’s so sad oh my gosh see this is whythis is why I don’t make pancake[Music][Music][Music]I’m gonna try a piece and see if it’sgood this timeI’m going to[Music]I was[Music][Music]that’s so good my last pancake I cannotbelieve that but I want to try itbecause this one is like the best one Icame out so I still try low pieceediting one video right now on pet tagcuzthe best pancake I’ve ever made like mywhole life I’ve been wanting to try thetruffles the pumpkin spice trufflessince like last year my mom got em forme after Christmas because they weren’tlike on like Clarence or whatever andsee like oh look pumpkin spice and Ilove pumpkin spice especially you cantry this in your pancakes or you knowwhatever other things like thatit was like I’m gonna try it I opened itbefore I wanted to just try like a liketwo or three of them just by itself tosee if it tastes like pumpkin tasteslike pumpkin spice it tastes likecinnamon mixed with like a hint apumpkin but pumpkin is not even the mainingredient in pumpkin spice it’s likecinnamon and all the spices it’s likeall these other spices so it’s notactually pumpkin um but I actually likethe pumpkin like flavor like the actualpumpkin flavor you see if it tasted butthey taste good in here they tastebetter in here than they taste like justeating it like by itself video a lot ofvideos that I want to do so I found alot of them like different ones onYouTube but my main purpose is spreadingawareness about pseudotumor cerebri andchronic illness mainly pseudotumorcerebri because that’s the main chronicillness I deal with every day every timeI do these videos is what I’m feelinggood and I like doing them I have about4 video 4 or 5 videos that I alreadypre-recorded and pre edited and they’reready to be posted I like having like 23 or 4 videos ahead of ready to beposted instead of trying to edit becauseyou never know if I don’t feel good Ican’t make a video but I already have acouple of videos that I can post thatweek so I’m just gonna post on Mondaysright now I’m doing just once a weekMonday so after this I’m going to recordanother video of me packing so so I cando right now so I have to pack my bagsI’m gonna do it while I’m feeling goodright now I’m gonna finish eating thevideo thank you for watching I’m comingalong with me while cooking rememberalways keep fighting you know your bodybetter than anybody else so pleaselisten to it thank you bye love you[Music]

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