Pancakes Recipes

Cook with Me – Making Japanese Soufflé Pancakes | YesHipolito

Welcome back to my kitchen guys! Today we’re attempting to make the super cute and popular Japanese Soufflé pancakes! I saw them here on youtube and thought they looked super simple and I should give them a try lol! Even though it took two tries I’m pretty satisfied! Ill have to try it again to perfect it but hope you guys enjoy! I’ll list the recipe I followed below!





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you guys they look so good they looklike the legit deal oh my goddoesn’t look like yes here welcome backto my kitchen so we’re back today withanother cooking baking video I’m notreally sure what this would actually bebut we’re back in the kitchen today youguys know that I’m like a housewifewhatever I’m wearing a dress trendy inthe kitchen so today we’re gonna bemaking Japanese a souffle pancakes I wasscrolling through YouTube like twonights ago and I saw them they’re puffythey’re beautiful and I was like youknow what I need to have these in mylife and it seems pretty easy to do sothat is what we’re doing today issubscribe before we get started and hitthat bell so you guys get notified everysingle time and that I upload and youguys are ready then listen all right sofirst off we’re gonna take our egg[Music]now put the egg whites in here and thenthe egg yolk over here okay so all ofthe recipes say one and a halftablespoons of regular whole milk butI’m gonna use silk okay so we’re gonnasee if it works[Music]you guys I don’t think it came out[Music]all right so this obviously doesn’t looklike they’re supposed to look I will sayI tasted it I’m gonna taste really goodand you could feel the fluffiness but itobviously it does not look like it’ssupposed to look and just kept anywhiter and whiter so that’s not thebusiness but we’re gonna try it againokay we’re gonna try it again and thistime I’m gonna try putting pancake mixand not cake mix even though theinstruction is set cake but alright sowe’re trying it again we’re not going togive up Cook’s don’t give up so let’ssee okay so I decided to get bigger potspans I don’t know whatever this isbecause I feel like maybe the egg whitesneeded to breathe or something I don’tknow I don’t know okay so we’re gonnaput the egg whites in camera[Music]all right so this time we’re gonna beadding pancake mix instead of cake mixand we’re gonna see how that turns outso okay so it’s just to mix my not overmix so I’m just gonna leave it like that[Applause][Music]all right so we’re gonna go ahead and betaking some of this and here we’re gonnamix it you guys I’m scared because Ireally want it to work again okay sowe’re just gonna like the mixing it itsays to mix it without like ruining thebubbles but like how do you not ruin thebubbles like you’re mixing a you know Ifeel like I ruined all the bubbles I canfeel it okay so I’m making it a littlebit runny is what it’s looking like Ihave a feeling it’s gonna work this timeokay law of attraction okay so I thinkfrom here put it first of all let metake it all we need as much blood as wecan possibly get hi you guys okay ohwait positive vibes positive vibes Imean at this point I have to avoid thiseven if I feel because like this was avideo I had planned for today but Ireally expected to get it like the firsttry you know it looks so easy okay Isaid be soft with itI’m literally trying to be as soft as Ipossibly can okay so now I’m gonna try amethod right put this stuff into a bagand then I try to make it fluffy I’llsee how it goesdid I wash this obviously I did not so[Applause][Music]oh my god you guys this is a messyou guys this is a mess oh so it lookslike the pancake is coming out but Idon’t know about this strategy right nowoh my god are you kidding me are youkidding me oh my god you guys I’m pissedI’m pissed because my strategy isworking but like it also isn’t okay okayso the batter is good just my strategywas not read okay what am i doing okayso we’re just gonna go oh my god okayand the water is for it to steam youguys I think it’s working oh my god ofcourse I have to do that I had to dothat thing where it’s like messeverything up you guys remember thosewell okay you guys oh my god it’sworking oh my god I am a share okay okaylet’syeahWow look at that look at those badmemories over there okaynow let’s go ahead and make the oh mygod I’m gonna burn stem you guys I don’tknow how people cook and like keep upwith so many things at oncelike it’s beyond me okay oh I still seebubbles in here now I know what they’retalking aboutI was not familiar with this messagebefore you guys that I am now cuzobviously I’m a cookyes I Loki can’t believe that I got ithonestly I’m so excited look at how uglythese were but Honor tree I was reallygoodyeah little ugly but they’re good youguys they look so good they look likethe legit deallook at those fluffy babies I reallywish I would have cleaned that becausenow it doesn’t look that professional Iknow Michaels gonna have a fit becauseMichael likes everything to be perfectwhich is cool it’s cool you know what Imean but I was kind of like what if hedoesn’t even work and then I cleaned itfor nothing you know anymore just doingwhat I gotta do in the kitchen you knowwhat I mean you guys look at these howcute are they I love them okay so we’regonna get the last one on you could alsouse one of those little round things tomake sure that they’re like super roundbecause obviously mine are kind of likedifferent shapes but I don’t have one ofthose so it’s fine you guys is the lastone why like they all looked so cute andthen the last one was just like if youI’m gonna do what I wantI think if maybe because the batter wasjust sitting there I don’t know but howdare you okay all right so you guys thisis the last one like I don’t even knowhow that happenedit was on track to be the best pancakeof all of them and it like I don’treally know how this happened I meanthese came out cute definitely shouldhave been like whiter but I don’t knowlike the batter that I used which was aSippi that I use like and this is allyou’re gonna get so if you’re gonna makesome for your whole family I woulddefinitely recommend tripling up therecipe because this is not going to bean I don’t even think this is enough forme and I don’t need anything this ispretty much as good as it’s gonna getI’m gonna go ahead and add some whippedcream to kind of like make it look cutebut I mean it’s not that bad it’s notthat bad for my second try it’s not thatbad okay definitely should have madelike twice or three times the amount sothat way they could have been likebigger because I feel like if they wouldhave been bigger they just would havelooked better and then also if youhappen to have one of those round thingsis it like an egg to make the eggs roundI think that would work because then itkind of keeps its shape you know and itdoesn’t like fall apartum so anyways we’re gonna go ahead andadd some okay that’s kind of cute youknow you know what I mean I mean listenthey’re cute and they are a little bitbigger than regular pancakes okay sodon’t come for me also you can put syrupon it but I don’t like syrup I wouldrather have whipped cream so let seeand definitely a lot of layers but it’sgood you guys it does taste eggyobviously because we have egg in it solet me see let me add a little bit morewhipped cream I really wish I could haveeaten them AHA because they would havebeen so much better[Music]mmmwhen you eat it with strawberry whatkind of taste like a cake mm-hmmyes yes I’m into it you guyshmmand that is good that’s really good allrighty guys so that is it for today’svideo I really hope that you guysenjoyed it if you guys do try it out andit doesn’t come out please try again I’mdefinitely gonna be trying to perfectthis because first of all they’re socute so aesthetically pleasing andthey’re also really really yummy so youknow was it perfect this time no was itperfect the first time absolutely not isit gonna be perfect the next time that Imeet them also probably not but listenwe’re gonna keep on trying okay so ifyou guys do try it out please make sureto tag me on instagram so that way icouldn’t see your guys’s creations andhow you guys like decorate it and whipit up also see you maybe if you guysleave me like easy recipes or somethingin the description box or maybe we cananother issue for books in the commentswhat am i saying maybe we can come upwith something where you guys share yourguys’s like recipes you know and maybeMike and I can whip them up or somethingI don’t know I don’t know just an ideabut don’t forget to subscribe before youguys go and hit that Bell so guys getnotified on every single video that Iupload and that’s it I love you guys somuch and I’ll talk to you guys next time[Music]you

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