#CamilaCabello #TogetherAtHome #Pancakes
Camila shows us how to make pancakes in the morning. || Camila nos muestra como hacer pancakes mañaneros.
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everybody why I’ve been home I’vebeen trying to learn how to cook becauseoh so I did not ride a bike I didn’tknow how to write a rhyme and I didn’tknow how to focus more before I before Eflat ski mom so I know I ride a bike nowand I’m learning how to cook so todayI’m going to take you through my pancakemaking morning alright so you get someflour some pancake mix today we areusing pancake and waffle mix top of thatin there cup of milk a cup of vegetableoil vegetable oil you put a whole egg inthere and this is what it looks likethen you are right before you put it bythe skill to heat up you just do alittle dancecooking inspiration because you knowchefs sometimes need muses we’ve gotHarry Potter in the background I suggestthat you do the same while making yourpancakes it’ll make them taste 15%better scientifically-provenall right ladle put the pancake mix inpancakes are actually I hope that thisturns out good but pancakes are actuallypretty easy to makeI’m cooking everything looks a lot a lotharder than it actually isI mean this is gonna look like butit’s gonna taste great update we have toput a little bit more milk because whenyou see that get batter it looks alittle bit too solid it has to be niceand liquidy for to pour in here so wehave good baby first okay you know whatthen the pancake is ready to flip Ididn’t show you that before but you putthe batter in and once you see the edgesstart to get a little bit round and yousee the bubbles start to pop that’s whenyou take it and you just you just youjust flip like you know what you’redoing you fake it till you make it withpancakes because the pan can always tellwhen you’re scared so if you flip scaredit’s gone back my only look slightlyback because I was only a little bitscaredthis one think with it without sound bythe way last time we watch this moviecalled onward so cute strongly recommendguys so bitch I’m showing you rightbefore I flip this is when you know it’sready to flip all right all right we’reflipping live yeah yeahwe have the final product yes nice sackspancakes we’ve got a little buffet hereand we’ve got Harry Potter in here wehave the final result for a littlebuffet table here okay like this