Pancakes Recipes

Aurora Does Cooking – Pancakes

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[Music]welcome to the cooking show withinAurora’s lovely humble abodewe’re making pancakes pancakes at homeso for this you will need 200 grams ofplain flour you will also require 300milliliters of milksemi-skimmed and 2 eggspick your job and pour 350 millilitersof your finestsemi-skimmed milk I then take your eggsand then crack it pop it in then take asecond agent same thing you may thendispose of your egg shells in the whisk[Applause][Music]perfect take your flour and a teaspoongrab your granulated sugar on thefreshest herring one teaspoonyou don’t have your dry ingredients youhave your wet ingredients you will nowshove itI do in two so I did put half my eggs inxml pitch ball the drive and I begin towhiskso we’ll need to turn our guest home onokay once you’ve got your gas on you maypop your pappulet’s give it a minute to water ourextra virgin olive oil don’t you do oneand then grab your ladle you’re verynicely labeled and grab a littleingredient and then I usually do aboutthree three scoops of this plate sothat’s timethat’s usually a good size hackingyou’ll also need a spatulawhat’s that startled[Music][Music]okay I want youthey give it to me[Music]that is how you make pancakes thank youfor watching see you lateryou[Music]

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