See if you can get an adult to help you with this tasty treat. Try making some pancakes at home. What delicious fillings can you add? Remember to tweet @home_alc
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]I just thought we’d do a big show to dosome cocaine I know how much you lovedoing in class okay[Music][Music]one[Music][Music]be very very careful doing this job boysand girls[Music]and then we’ll start to act enough youneed a whisk[Music][Music]zone[Music] but you might get out you don’twant to make the mask for the dénouementAzazel be very happy to have a messykitchenha ha on their flat[Music]Hey[Music][Music]spread it around upon a weight of aconsciencemake sure they doesn’t[Music]Oh[Music]Oh[Music]it’s more deathful to do with a scram ohdon’t remember coaching girls you need agrown-up to help me to do this butbecause it’s very very hot to not do itby yourself[Music][Music][Music]by my