Pancakes Recipes

Activity Lesson: Cooking – Pancakes

Ms Chelsea teaches us how to make pancakes!

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welcome back guys we’re gonna do alesson for you guys roommate one of myfavorite things cakes right we have aneasy just out of waterpancake mix for you guys but they’realso a ton of different recipes are anyother easy recipes to know so the firstthing we have to do is add a cup offlour or mix and then 3/4 cup of watereasy of that mix it all together you canuse it this is such as easy fun recipeto make it home for breakfast lunch ordinner one of my favorite things to havepancakes so make sure you mix it alltogether okay so this is pretty runny ifyou look in here it’s really runny sowhat I usually do is I shot a little bitmore pancake mix because we want it tobe a little more firm okay so that’susually what you do it if it’s too firmbecause you can add anythingafterwards we’re gonna add a little bitof chocolate we cut up a littlechocolate bar to add in a little funstrawberries bananas yeah all differentkinds of fruits are so good sometimesadding those delish mostly chocolatethough that’s my go-to[Music]to the pan so that the pancakes don’tstick and then get to me with a littlebit of oil this is a parent babyis there anything else we can use if wedon’t have oil you can use butter youcan use a little spraymake it into a little circle if you wantor different shapes is always funso our pancake is cooking and as you seethe little bubbles of a pop right herebut then it fills in again that meansit’s not readyso once the bubbles pop and they stayopen so that’s almost ready see how thatone’s saved these are going then it’salmost ready to flip over you’ll see thebubblessee how this one stayed open and there’slike a little hole here’s a bubble righthere see what it doesit’s stay open – I think it’s just aboutready I’m gonna flip it over perfectyou’re perfectI want to flip it one more time just tomake sure it’s all cooked all the waythroughhere our finished product we need thatpretty big mr. Alex got a big appetitebut you guys can make them smaller theycome in different shapes whatever youwant and everyone send us pictures orcomments how you like thatand we’ll see you next time

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