Welcome to Cook with Abbi! Abhishek here, and this Pancake cooking video is all about demonstrating you quick, handy & cheap recipe with detailed steps which can be followed & prepared easily at your home.
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Pancake making can be a easy task but to find or buy an ingredients you definitely will have to step out of your home, & if you follow this simple recipe I’m sure you will not have to worry about ingredients because the ingredients used in this recipe is already there at your home. And if not then you can also find the substitute for the same in the video.
This video can assist you as your breakfast cooking guide.
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Best Regards,
Abhishek Chhettri Please find the recipe below:
Almond and Raisin Pancake
Yield: 2-3 servings
All purpose flour- 120gm
Almond (Soaked, skin off & blended with 30ml of almond milk) – 120g
Almond milk- 60ml
Raisin- 30gm
Butter(Clarified)- 15ml
Egg white- 1no.
Egg yolk- 1no.
Vanilla extract/ essence- 1/4tsp
Sugar- 15gm
Salt- 1/4tsp
(Note: If you are using vanilla essence then use 1/2tsp)
Separate egg yolk and egg white in two separate bowls.
Mix egg yolk with sugar, almond milk & vanilla extract and blend them together with whisker.
Add flour and almond mixture into the above mixture (Milk & eggyolk mix) . Note: Stir in the flour until the dry & wet ingredient are just mixed not over mixed. And fold in some clarified butter & raisin into the batter.
Now whisk egg white to a soft peaky consistency. And fold it into the batter. Don’t whisk it, just gently cut and fold into the batter.
Heat a non stick frying pan to medium high heat and pour in your pancake mix with the help of scoop, round ladle or soup spoon,(Can add butter at the time of cooking if using non stick pan)
Once pancake starts to bubble on top sides & is just golden brown on the cooked side, turn it and continue cooking until both side are golden brown. Repeat the same cooking method until you finish your batter.
Serve it hot with Maple syrup/honey/fruit compote of your choice/ sweet yogurt, choose your toppings.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
Welcome to “Cook with Abbi”, Today I will
be preparing Almond and Raisin PancakesPancake they are remarkably versatile foodstuff. Indian dosa’s Japaneseokonomiyaki falls under the same the
delightful pancake category. So the recipewhich I will be sharing with you guys
today is very simple and theingredients, I hope that all the
ingredients that I have mentioned in therecipe shall be available at your place
wherever you are living and if not thenshall be sharing the substitute or the
replacement of the same. So let’s start cooking.Before you start with the recipe you
make sure that you have all theingredients ready in front of you. So
the first step is to separate the eggyolk and egg white into the separate
bowls which I have already done and thesecond step, pour your sugar in the
egg yolk, you can use granulated sugar orcaster sugar and start whisking it
because we have to dissolve the sugarinto the egg yolk keep whisking it till
it turns into a pale colorafter whisking it now you can add your
milk into the egg mix. Here I’m usingalmond milk you can also use cow milk or
soy milk as per your preference and mixit thoroughly.
Now I’m gonna add vanilla extract,youcan also use vanilla essence,
here I’m using 1/4 teaspoon of vanillaextract. Extract and essence are two
different thing extract ishydroalcoholic solution that contains the
extracted flavor and aroma of thevanilla bean and on the other hand essence I would say it is inferiorin quality to vanilla extract and sometime chemically synthesized from theessential oil of clove or coal-tar
extract and now I’m going to addrefined flour and make sure when you are
adding refined flour add it slowly anddon’t over mix it because if you over mix
it, you gonna end up developing agluten and which will make you batter
lumpy and that will make your pancakechewy instead of fluffyjust stir in the flour until the dry and
the wet ingredient are just mixed. Themethod for mixing is cut and fold which
I am using right now, just cut from themiddle and fold it, cut from the middle
and fold it and after it is mix, now I’madding my almond and milk mixture, for this almond I have soaked overnight and afterpeeling the skin you simply blend it
with the almond milk . It’s raisinshere and now clarified butter. Now start
mixing all the ingredients using thesame cut and fold methodNow I have an egg white in the bowl, add
some saltjust a gram or two of salt and start
whisking your egg whiteso what happens is when we are whisking
just continuously keep whisking itbecause what we are doing here is, we are
incorporating air inside the egg whitewhen air goes inside it will help your
pancake to rise and get fluffy, whisk it tillyou get a soft peak consistency and
after you can mix your egg white intothe batter mix and again we don’t want
to over mix it just lightly and gentlycut and foldbecause here we don’t want that air
which we have incorporated inside toescape. So, to hold that aeration inside
we will just cut and fold.At the end the batter should look
like this. Now that your mixture is readywe can start cooking our pancakeswe need a non-stick pan
and a slicer, here I’m using anonstick pan so I won’t use any butter
or oil. If you are not using a nonstickpan you should use or you must need little
butter or oil before you start puttingyou batter. Just keep your flame to a
medium flame, the pan should be mediumheated before you start cooking your
pancakes. Evenly spread it you can use aspoon, you can use scooper or ladle as
per your convenience. Here I amcooking three pancakes at a time you can
cook four or five or six depending uponthe capacity of your pan. Start putting
your toppings on your pancakeyou can use your favorite fruit or
whatever leftover fruits you have,seasonal fruits. Just make sure that you
thinly slice it then you put it as atoppingbecause we want to uniformly caramelize
our fruits so it has to be thinly slicedand once you see those holes and bubbles
on the sides of your pancake that meansyour one side is almost cooked and you can flip your pancake to theother side and make sure you gently flip
it if you cannot flip it with the sliceryou can use your another hand to help
you to flip. After flipping it just cookit for next 2 minute and you can check
whether it is cooked or not by simplyinserting a toothpick or a knife between
the pancakeHere my pancakes are cooked.Now I can
plate. My plate and topping/ accompaniment is alreadyready, so you also make sure that the
topping whatever you want to use a fruitcompote, yogurt, honey or maple syrup
as per your preferencejust keep it ready. Here I am
using a mixture of honey and Mandarin.Which was leftover Mandarin from last
night so I have cooked it with honey andsugarnow let the pancakes
soak the sweetness and sourness ofmandarin for a while and then you can
start eating this beautiful pancake.