Join 8 year old Caleb showing you how to make his easy lockdown pancakes which only need four ingredients.
These are so easy to make even his 6 year old sister can make them.
Makes 6 Pancakes
1 cup of Plain flour
1 cup of Milk
2 Eggs
2 tsp Sugar
#pancake recipe
#lockdown recipe
#easy cooking recipes
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back today we’re makingsome delicious pancakes todayeven my sister can make themso now we can just jump right into therecipe soone cup of flour two eggsone cup of milk and two teaspoons of msugarjust add one in this we’re just going tomake the mixtureto put into the bowl so you want to getyour egg and your milk you want to pull[Music]too thick add more milkso you know when it’s ready wherethere’s no lumps and there’s air bubblesit’s just out the fridge it’s been 10minutes and now we’re just going to addinto herethe only reason you put into the thingis because it goes nice and bubblyand it just makes them so nice[Music]and it just gives itself a nice saltybottom of the pancake so we add this inwe add a block per poundcake so then it just is very nicestick it in medium heat[Music]foreignsmells amazing if you can smell it athomeonce the outside is the same color asthe inside you just want to flip it over[Music]um[Music][Music][Music]pancake recipe like subscribeand stay tuned peaceyou