Pancakes Recipes

5 Minute Vegan Pancakes | Easy to Make & Healthy | Cooking Ep 1

Vegan pancake recipe!

This is the first video for the Kieran and Aimee channel. We will be doing cooking videos and fitness related videos. As it is our first video don’t expect the quality to be amazing, we’re only new at this. However, we hoped the enjoy the video and found it useful none the less.

Thank you and we appreciate anyone who took time to watch this video!



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Video Transcription

[Music]hello everybody today we’re showing youhow to make vegan based pancakes seeingredient to me is one cup of flour apinch of salt a quarter cup of sugarpreferably castor sugar 1 tablespoon ofbicarb soda or baking soda 2 teaspoonsof vanilla extract and 1 cup of anydairy-free milk firstly we’ll need toadd all the dry ingredients into a largemixing bowl that includes the floursugar backup soda a little bit of saltthen in a smaller job we’ll add one cupof milkthis is almond milk and unsweetened soit has zero point three grams of sugarwho add 1 cup as well as an estimate of2 teaspoons of vanilla extract[Music]pour the liquid and extra in with thedry mixturetogether[Music]you’ll know when it’s thick enoughbecause if you lift up your mixture andyou try and write an S over the top itwill stay at the top and that’s whenit’s sticking up and then you can leavethat five minutes now that we have thewe’re going to have it on high just putsome olive oil on there and then afterwe’ve done our first week with the firstpancake we’re going to move it to mediumheat so the pancake I’m gonna dip addthe big spoon into the mixture and dotoo[Music][Music]now we just have to wait for that tocomment size to add more of a taste toit you can also cut up some fruitbananas blueberries strawberriesraspberries anything set something tocut up some strawberries I’m going toplace them on pancakes I’m going to adda dollop of some yogurt as well you canalso add ice cream and cream and if youwant you can add some maple syrup[Music]thank you for watching my five-minutemain base recipesstay tuned for more cooking videos andfitness based videos seating[Music]

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