Blind Baking is back, and this time Peter has to figure out how to make pancakes… how hard could it be?
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]today I have the task of making apancake pancakes without any recipe lasttime wasn’t ideal however I can dobetter this time so like last time Idecided to write a bit before actuallyattempting this but I’m just trying tothink about what do we know aboutpancakes so I don’t actually know how tomake pancakes but I know what a pancakelooks like so I’m trying to reverseengineer this I knew that I missed eggslast time so eggs are definitely a thingI don’t think a flower is a thingdo I have flour no I’m riding flour thistime I need to know what is it thatmakes an omelet a pancake there’s aningredient in between milk milk milkmilk milkI think pancakes should be easier thancookies because it’s like twoingredients or something I think so Ithink I’ve got this in the bagso we got the the the the essentialingredients which is milk milk and eggsthese duh that’s milk mess eggs and Ithought you know it wouldn’t be a veryPetrie pancake if it was just a regularold pancake so I’ve got some options forus this is chocolate a mixture ofcooking and regular and these arebananas okay okay okay okay okay socrack OHegg shell in there oh there’s a bit ofeggshell there’s so much how did thathappen oh don’t do thiseggshells egg shows so there is atechnique to this whatever you do it’sin the wrist whatever you do it’s in thewrist once you’ve got your eggs and popit in your bowl and get some milk now Ihaven’t got too much milk but I’ll justtest the water see you see how it goes Ipretty much denied oh you see that’s apancake e-collar i am going to create alovely chocolate saucepre-heat your pot for maybe 2 to 5seconds so let’s make sure that thechocolate doesn’t burn keep it runningyou know I’ll add some milk oh no ohthat does make sure it doesn’t burn makesure you keep the chocolate moving solet the chocolate dissolve you know youdon’t want to move it around too muchokay you want to spoon it on gently likeso I kind of feeling this isn’t it rightthat’s goodthis is the time where you want to addchocolate just a little bit let’s justdon’t spoil yourself with one pancakeone chocolate pancake anyways mix thatabout what Oh No anyway okay so that’syour first but no you got to flip it Ido know thatI’m making scrambled eggs what am idoing okay I don’t know if my mix iswrong it makes you calm wrong flour yourinput flour and playing games do youknow look at thatit’s okay it’s okaylike Mother Teresa once said we willprevail if we try okay now at first youmight be thinking what is this guy doingit’s all lumpy no that’s good the lumpis your friend learn to befriend thelump now just sit back and watch yourcreation be created so this seems likethe more stuff I do the less thingshappen and add chocolatejust fit here and there no worries dudegluten-free pancakes exist cuz if sousually they would have like flour orsomething in them so maybe did or okayjust that was probably a bit too thicklike me oh say what you want about themit does smell lovely mm-hmmpancakes clearly this has not gone toplan so as I always say if things don’tgo to plan improvise banana andchocolate always work presentation iseverythingwhat was this supposed to be this my manthank youis a pancakethis is the one with flower yeah it’sthe flowers not coat you can taste theking chase of wrongness of the vanI don’t know the flower taste okay wellit’s not cookedbananas are nice I thought it wouldtaste worse it is better than it I’mhesitant to say that I’m going to readyou the ingredients of Pancakes okay 100grams of plain flour I got the flouralso I forgot to weigh them the thingsin case you wanted to use this as atutorial but two large eggs okay 300milliliters milkI can’t tell if that’s in law or not anda pinch of saltthere’s salt again I forgot the salt howcould you ever forget the salt again Iforgot the salt next time I won’t forgetthe salt it didn’t go well you’re athought that adding eggs would havehelped since last time but it didn’t andI actually think believe it or not thatthese pancakes are worst pancakes thanthe cookies I made those were bettercookies and these were pancakesI thought pancakes was gonna be easier Iwas like like before we shot this I saidto Samuel no pancakes are too easy I’msure we can get pancakes down as finetouch no it’s not fine and like I don’tknow I was thinking about maybe I shouldmake a sandwich but mounts on to thinkthat even I’ll mess that up I wantpeople to take this as a warningdon’t let idiots in the kitchen thankyou for watching please join us again[Music]