I hope you enjoyed my first ever cooking video where i showed you how to make banana pancakes 🍌 🥞
Ingredients :
1 – 2 bananas
1 – 2 eggs
2 heaped table spoons of flour
Milk (if the mixture is a bit solid)
Cook at medium heat
When they start to bubble and you gently shake the pan and they move they are ready to flip
You could leave the pancake plain or add toppings like chopped up banana, honey, but nutella or anything you want!
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– World Of Kawaii 🌵
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey Sony’s it’s world of kawaii andwelcome back to the rainbow squad so formy video this week I’m gonna be doing myfirst over cooking video as you saw bythe title I’m gonna show you guys how tomake easy banana pancakes I love makingthese for breakfast they’re really easysimple and yummy to make so let’s getstarted you can use 1 to 2 bananas itreally doesn’t matter as you can see mybananas are well over riped bar it’sfine because if you can still use themfor this and you’re not wasting foodwhich is good so it kind looks a littlebit gross right now bipolar guys thesewere tastes amazing so you would want tocrack just the one egg I mean that youcould add a novel and depending on howmuch mixture you’re going to make andI’m literally so bad at cracking eggsbut for some reason I managed to do itkilled in this video which is good inour room so you just want to mix thatall up and we’re gonna be adding a flourso from this point on in a video my mommade it and I was the one filming justso find it’s easier so she just put twoheaped tablespoons off the flour in thenyou can pour the mixture and you canjust put the flour in the mixture of theegg and banana but for us like we made abig batch sorrow it wouldn’t really allfit so once you’ve mixed that you canthere’s only one ask needed some cuzit’s gonna fit thinking stuff so yeahonce you’ve mixed stuff it’s time to putit in a frying pan so just oil it andput it on medium heat and once you’vedone that you can then start to cookyour pancakes[Music]if the pancakes start to a bubble andyou gently shake the pan you know thatthey are ready to be flipped like we’redoing here and it kinda reminds me onceyou flip them over a dry pan on a slicethat you can get once both sides havenow clerks you can go serve them you canput anything you like on there likehoney Nutella leave at 10 you can evenjust press on the chopped up an honor orjust and I think you fancy servingsgonna put some honey on it but here aremy pancakes I’m gonna put Nutella onthem because I love not tell us so muchthank you so much watching I hope youenjoyed make sure to give this video abig thumbs up subscribe and tap thatnotification Bell wants you to knuckleit down below hash tag or a bracelet towin a shout-out in my next video theshout outs will be on the screenremember you can see me every Mondayhere on the rainbow squads bye[Music][Music]