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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
this season is all daddy what areconfusing blend of flavors the try guysare back in the Test Kitchen for withouta recipe the series for weeks forEpisode four foods no recipe each weekwe’re gonna be focusing on a differentfood cookies bagels ice cream andbirthday cakes I’m not here to makefriends I’m here to make friends withthe judges we have YouTube sweetheartRosanna pansino and world renowned chefRoy Choi stick around because without arecipe is gonna be all month long baby[Music]the try guys are back in the kitchen forwithout a recipe to kick off this seasonthey’re baking cookies everyone outthere you’ve made a cookie it’simpossible with God each of the Tri guyswill have two hours to make a cookie oftheir choice and presented to our panelof judgeswell I tell you what I’ve never seenthis ever hi I’m Rosie Anna pansino andI have the most popular baking show onYouTube and I have been baking since Iwas four years old my name is Roy Choi Ihave no baking experience but I’m anextremely judgmental hi my name is ReeseI’m the owner of Brady’s bakery we’re anonline baking company specializingcookies and bread pudding as long as youhave good quality ingredients it’s kindof hard to mess up a cookie don’t youhave a base cookie recipe it’s reallyeasy to change up the extracts and theflavorings and the mix-ins it’s allabout the ratios of sugar to fat toflour if you’re having some fun in thekitchen for the first time and you’remaking cookies and you’ve never madethem before again it’s all about trialand error just have a really good timein the kitchen and don’t be afraid ofmaking mistakes because they’re gonnahappen without a recipe is the formatthat I developed for the try guysexclusively to allow me to win morevideos I’m definitely taking home atleast two of these episodesI guarantee it konna got cookies and I’mcalling I got cake I think I got thebasics down I’m really focusing on thecreativity I’m really leading with thefoot forward of what can I do to getalcohol in this item look we’ve done alot of cooking videos I’ve been on a hotstreak lately but that was with a recipethis is try guys without a recipe piesand bread and I kept third place bothtimes whole horse crap I don’t bake lasttime we did this I did not do so welltime before that I also did not do sowell that is the worst food I’ve evertried in my life I’m not good at this[Music]all right bakers three two onetry to bake go bake today I’m gonna bemaking cookies with peanut butter andchocolate I will be adding some whitemiso to my peanut butter to give it alittle umami flavor today I’m going tobe making a garbage cookie know knowwhat kind of cookie are you makingthat’s what I’m calling it now in thepast I’ve tried this technique it didn’twork out but today I’m feeling good I’mgonna be taking all of the things that Ilove and loading it up into one monstercookie I’m gonna make something withalcohol and I’m going to try my darndestto put things that have no businessbeing in a cookie into a cookie and I’mgonna try to find a way to put gochujangand miso into a cookie let’s hear thisagain Korean fermented bean paste I cansay with confidence as a Korean it doesnot appear in desserts it’s the sauceyou put in given Bob I bought this atthe Korean market and I have it in myrefrigerator and I will be making myfather’s favorite cookie my dad lovesoatmeal raisin cookies I’m going to thatdad flavor this season cinnamon raisineverything my dad has eaten raisin branevery day for his life since I’ve beenborn yeah that’s don’t have his burgerwhat I’ve done[Music]to start each try guy will have 40minutes to prepare the cookie dough sofor our base cookie recipe I came upwith a little acronym chefsflour eggs butter baking soda or bakingpowder and sugar I know that cookiedough has butter cuz it makes some mepoop I know it has egg because you’renot supposed to eat raw cookie dough butI do it anyway and I know it’s got sugarcuz it’s oh so yummy as people in myfamily who say my room so your firststep is will cream together your coldbutter brown sugar and granulated sugartogether I like to use cold butterbecause it really helps with the textureand the density of the cookie at the endI grab some almond flour because I likenuts I know that they do butter andsugar togetherthat’s the recipes start that’s what I’mgonna do – that’s what recipes and twocups of fine pastry flour and like twodifferent batters and then try somethingweird know how much supposed to go withanything so I’m just putting in a bunchgood salted butter in my cookies cuz Ilike a good presence of saltto me it’s don’t be afraid of salt youdo hope you don’t want to over salt yourcookie but I think Saul kind of cuts thesweetness and really adds that saltysweet bite people don’t realize yougotta have salt and everything in fact Idon’t think there’s such a thing as toomuch salt my butter got put in thefreezer cuz it’s just something I see myfather-in-law do when he bakes piessomething about not letting your butterget too melted is like a thing I don’tknow what I’m doing the next step you’regonna do is you’re gonna add in youreggs in your vanilla make sure to mixwell until incorporate it but do notover mix because you avoid melting thebutter and over spreading at the endokay so I’m gonna use two eggs okay howmany eggs – Eggs[Applause]two weeks feels good I’ll put some waterand the eggs and the butter together Irealize that’s not right wet ingredientsfirst and then your dry ingredients it’sgood all be together the other days Oheverything I know about baking I knowfrom what I up horribly inprevious episodes so I know that you’resupposed to do your wet and your dryseparately my eggs are not going inuntil we’re really ready oh and vanillaobviously will pumpkin flavored creamliqueur go better with miso or sujeongone goes in peace they will get oh itsmells like oatmeal delicious oatmealand oil I feel like cookies have moreoil than other things and I think youwant to do is add in your mix-ins inthis case it was chocolate chips so addin your chocolate chips and just mixuntil incorporated we put this into thewet batter that way you don’t run therisk of having chocolate chips be unevenin certain cookies now I have so manyraisins to choose from today called biggolden little golden and Ziggler ball mydad loves raisin bran I’m the number onesignature thing about raisin bran is ithas how many two scoops of raisins allright I’m coming so he’s so excited tosee how this turns out oh can I use yourcinnamon yeah it’s hey it’s our cinnamonthanks can I say I think oatmeal raisingets a really bad rap say Kim same butif you go in knowing what it is you geta good oatmeal chocolate chip with anice flaky sea salt on spot oh you gotdaddy’s favorite right thereyou call him daddy no but growing uplike everything that was my dad’s wascalled daddy this the milk that he drankvitamin D milk I was daddy milk he hadthis copy keg that was daddy cake ohthis is a Korean culture song which isvery spicy fermented pulverize beanoh never seen gochujang dessert so youknow I have actually heard about whitemiso being combined with peanut butterbefore we got coconut flakes we gotalmonds we’re going nuts instead ofchocolate chips I’m going to do M&Mslet’s get some bittersweet chocolate -sure why not this feels really nicesmells like oatmeal oh so sweet andpecans and mine yeah we’ll add somepeanut butter and chocolate chips I’llbe great 20 minutes in the guys seem tohave hit a wall putting some salt inbecause it was so sweet boring your foodyeahchunky peanut butter what am I gonna dowhat am I gonna do now don’t get mewrong I love chunky peanut butter on asandwich all day every day but on acookie does that play a little allspicein there try to make it a little moreinterestingWow look at that yeah it’s a lot ofstuff full-on cup of peanut butteryou’re gonna put peanut in the namegotta have peanuts as your game I cannotlook often say that this tastes good andas you can see from the color that isspicy red bean paste it tastes good butit’s still just like not challengingenoughmy daddy likes more salt than this but Ithink I’m gonna put flake salt on thetop of the finished cookiethis might be totally inaudible but I’mjust going for it so next the final stepof the mixing process is the dryingredients your flour your leaveningagents we do equal parts baking soda andbaking powder and your salt in this casewe also incorporated our cinnamon andcornstarch and then I put all of my dryingredients into the wet all at oncebecause you don’t want to overwork theflour or any baking powder or sodawhat’s the difference never know themore the merrier they’re probably notthat different let’s go with half ateaspoon look how good my luck’saren’t a mixing peanut butter into myegg mixture I’m about ready to get mybutter out of the freezer that lookslike something set it flip it switchit’s getting slower and thicker that’s agood sign is egg make it strongernothing wrong with Ericsa half a cup of chocolate chips per goodoh dear Lord forgive me for I am sinningfeel like I’ve done something wrong cuzthese are both so goopy but I got to getthis scoop into that go back lose thiswhat is this red stuff on my thumb he isabout to consume Eugene’s leftovergochujang in 3 2 1 oh it’s so spicy putsome almond extract uh-oh looks like Zacis also going to make a mistake oh yeahI know it’s not good oh my godoh my god like to do that with tenminutes left to go things are notlooking so good for some of the guys tenminutes okay oh now I’m getting grossedout by what I’m making I think I needmore ingredients for this to beconsidered a monster to add a littlemore miso I don’t really taste any misoright now I wanted the fridgeoh all right I’m gonna also chillmine we are waiting for our cookies tochill we are waiting for our cookies tochill so we can put them onto theplatter and into the oven and itshouldn’t matter which one of us winsbut we’ll figure it out but we don’tknow what we’re doing cookies well theyshould be about so now that we have ourfully mixed batter it’s time to pourshout the dough into individual cookiesbe mindful about spreading your cookiesfar enough apart I like to allow twoinches on each side you don’t want thecookies to spread out and run into eachother otherwise you’ll wind up with acookie cake I’ll use the parchment paperthe best cookie sheets are lined withbutter so I’m just gonna use a normalspoon okay let’s do one platter at atimewhat are confusing blend of flavors it’svery wet cookie dough is not wet it’sgonna lean into the idea that they looklike monsters you know let them beatglobslet’s globs be globs let monsters bemonsters I’m toying with the idea of theclassic peanut butter crisp shaping withthe fork stuff on the side I’m puttinglittle pretzels on top of mine forhashtag aesthetics I can guarantee youthat no one in the history of theuniverse has ever made this dough maybeMike you know one half is me so one halfis go to Jean so it like kind ofrepresents the frogs Marcoto greenspan two minutes lefttwo minutes feel like I needed to chillthese more cookies are not supposed tobe so wet I’m trying to make the Tedlook oh wow other people might noticethe union symbol okay oh my god my handsare so sticky but those are definitelybigger than these to wash them you have30 seconds seconds oh my god wow this islike real cooking show drama like yourscounting down every time you watch thoseshows you think that it’s imaginary butthis is real like we have like 30seconds and I don’t know if I’m gonna beable to plate this this is exciting thecookies have chilled for an hour nowit’s time to put them in the oven let’sstart the timer please remember fromchildhood the cookies they cook frozencookies that I bake in my house cookabout nine to ten minutes and sincethese are just refrigerated I think it’sgonna be more seven or eight minutes andI’m down my guess is 12 minutes 12minutes really that fast I think theycould pretty fit well maybe 25 minutes Idon’t know I prefer a gooey your cookieso if I pull it out earlier than laterprobably more okay with that then itbeing really gonna crispy I smell Koreanfood so far I think I’m doingthey look like cookies so if I case weput our cookies in at 375 for 14 minuteswe’re looking for a rise until it’s anice dome shape a little bit ofspreading and then a nice golden Sunkistbrown and a little cracking on the edgesoh well something’s immediatelyhappening and that something is notpromising what is that I will say Iforgot to put any baking powder bakingsoda I don’t know if that’s a thing Imeant to I didn’t well I did but Ididn’t only put a little bit of one ohgod dude they’re really melting Neversthey’re really not they really never seewhat happen if your cookies arespreading way too much and it just lookslike it’s turning into like a pudding atthat point you probably know you haven’tway too much butter or just not enoughflour oh my god my cookies they’redefinitely melting use your summersputtering they look like pancakes Ithink I put too much butter in this isawful I’m losing my ridges it’s like thepeeing it’s been 1 minute they are wellis that the caramel it’s super weirdgonna take all that confidence fromabout 40 seconds ago and throw it outthe windowwhoop I tell you what I’ve never seenthis ever I’m sorry don’t I thoughtyours were to be perfect they’ve metthey met and now they’re married andthey’re one cookie it’s like it’s cryingglass like a sheet it looks like I’mmaking meth and breaking bag I’m leavingI’m gonna walk away there’s no goodthere’s nothing I can do stand-in herelook at them it’s getting even worseokay these squares by the end of thiscupcakes right ceramic do we haveanything that can help me I’m making anemergency batch I still have batter leftover what we clear that I had leftoverdough I can make a second batch where isit who threw out my leftover is it whereis it no this could have been itwhy oh my hands are covered in garbagewhat’s crazy is that they are there butthey’re still just pure liquid there’sso much just butter everywhere okaywe’re just gonna damn soak up the excessbutter oh boy they look nicer than Ithought they would but I think they’re alittle too fluffy how do your giant assbuy seem douchebag cookies look so goodit was like you did set out to makegarbage cookies I think you’ve done itI’d venture to say that’s a golden brownand a toasted marshmallow like it looksmore appetizing you would never knowthere’s Korean fermented bean pasteinside of that I got my cookiesyeah they look and smell good you knowwhat I think daddy will be proud youknow biondi’s gonna like it loves whathe creams his cookies we won’t use thatjoke okay I need to prep a baking wrapand knife and a whole bunch of couragelet’s do this they look amazing theirway to the egg pop hot tray hot NED trayI’ve got it coming through let’s dancethere we go odd cookies okay they don’tlook that as pet estate should rememberyou just need a dozen to present us needa dozen[Music]that’s good night now[Music]twelve yes let’s goOh God and now it’s time to cut to somecute all little baby cowstoday we’re gonna be judging you one forthings presentation taste creativity andis it a cookie for me I like a reallythick cakey cookie gooey Center fromexterior and lots and lots of flavor myfavorite cookie is a chocolate chipcookie I just want these cookies totaste good and not be burnt perfectchocolate chip cookie is still thequintessential cookie[Music]judges I present to you a return tochildhood a cookie that uses all thethings that I loved as a kid M&Mspretzels caramel and more I hope you gogaga for my little monster I really likethe presentation very fun oh he’s eatingit he’s eating it creativity-wiseI mean I like the fact that you put insome really cool ingredients in therethis could have been a hot mess but itactually is pretty I definitely like theM&Ms in the chocolate I don’t tasteenough saltI like that depending on where I bite ittastes different like the middle theoutsides are birth though did you useany sort of leavening baking soda bakingpowder this sure oh this is a lot ofbutter I mean it’s just very it’s sosoft this is without breaking it canbend does it not look like the mostdelicious little yarmulke you’ve everseenlooks like a state Australia actuallyHorace hilly actually I mean that iscreative no I’d buy this at a bake salebig sell cookies are usually bad soI will wrap these individually it’s gooddo most of your experiments come outthis I got mine I feel like a winneralready I’m not just not sure too muchfor me if it’s a cookie so you don’tthink it’s a cookie but to me it’s acookie because I don’t know what else itis judges these cookies honor my fatherDonald hammers burger who loves oatmealraisin cookies these are oatmeal raisincinnamon cookies also known as daddy’sfavoritefirst of all right away the presentationis beautiful and I love the sprinkle ofsaltI can smell Oh am I supposed to like itit’s Oh what do you not like it’s alittle deceptive all right all theflavor it’s burnt very dry maybe toomuch cinnamon cinnamon sucks all themoisture out of something well it’s likethe only flavor I taste is cinnamonwhich is deceptive because you thinkit’s gonna be like this super chewy sawdelightful cookie and it just it kind ofcrumbles in your mouth these were bakedyes okay because they feel like he tookoatmeal uh-huh like soft oatmeal andthen form them and then some dried themall of this is coming from a good placepresentation and I like the ratio ofraisins just the taste is the one that’sthe one pillar on the little strugglingpeople don’t eat cookies for the tastethey eat it for the number of raisins oror the look father’s often have a verydry sense of humor and I tried tocapture that in my cookie as daddy’sfavorites and metaphors yes okay I thinkthe title is creative I do like thedaddy’s favorite thank you but you knowit’s a standard oatmeal raisin cookiewith a little bit of sea salt on top soI think it’s pretty down the middleuh-huh oh and is it a cookie I thinkit’s a cookie it’s a deceptive cookie Iwould consider this to be more of acookie than the last one we saw becausethe look and the texture it just hasjust lacks seatingyou feel like put like a bunch ofsaltines in your mouth Toto be hella madnot that dry in my moment of weaknesswell what if I marketed as a health barthat would work absolutely there’s anylike wow there’s pretty good forsomething healthy does it speak Dada -you know I would never feed my kid thisbut would your kids feed you this nojudges I present to you my peanut butterchocolate crisps as a kid my favoritecookies to bake were peanut buttercookies Walt the bat it looks straightup like a cookiefor sure on the crispier side I love thethe sprinkle salt on top it’s very thinI mean this is a parent doesn’t budgeauntie cookie look at health and we arehere I mean this is like paper thinlooks like you’ve baked before no wayyes yes chewy in the middle crispy onthe outside there’s a little bit morecrisp but then I would like got someburning yeah it’s so close it’s just theburning I think is a great cookie I’dpay four dollars for this in criticismsman I think it’s a great cookie they’retalking about I really want to taste thechocolate chip it’s just kind of few andfar between peanut butter is a prettystrong flavor so you can pretty much putit in any kind of cookie although ifI’ve ever had a peanut butter chocolatechip cookie before my life do they existyeah I have one on my menu[Laughter]so for me this is actually a big daythis is the first time I’ve ever had apeanut butter chocolate chip cookie younever forget your firstno forget my first is this a creativeI’ve given nothing but compliments but Idon’t think it’s that creative peanutbutter and chocolate chef to me it’spretty standard judges is it a cookiedefinitely a cookie yes yes it’s acookie whoa I proudly present to you ohmy godmy King games I was inspired by creatingtwo different batters putting themtogether as opposing forces with someunconventional flavors I love this ideaI love this reason Tatian you know I’m aGemini there’s the sweet side and thenthere’s the feisty side oh that’s a gooddescription of what this is presentationis beautiful like it really does mean wewere all like oh that’s like anInstagram a bowl like freaking shotright there this is huge this is thesize of a bagelit’s a strange cookie I’m not sayingit’s bad or good I’m just saying it’sstrange whoa why are so spicy oh my godso judges on the lighter side you havevanilla pecan Bailey’s that has apumpkin spike to it huh a lot of misoand then on the darker side you havechocolate cacao Kahlua and gochujangspicy chilihave your liver judging two cookies herethough I feel a we got the pecan vanillaone which actually I like it’s very goodthen you got the darker one with thespice in it still delicious it’s justagain like a super kinky to me thisstrangepresentation-wise it’s extremely uniquecase pumpkiny but this taste begley andit tastes like a pumpkin bagel bagelyeah this bo-chun is really important toadd a lot of aromatics to balance outthe paste itself so ginger garlic greenonions cooking batter very edgy becausethis is pushing the boundaries of whatis a cookie Thank You cookies anotherone cookie is it a cookie so I thoughtthe presentation was beautiful it’s justnot to me it is very borderline cookiecake I almost put going to jong-in as anexperiment with the expectation that itmight totally fail but this is it’s notas strong it actually baked out morethan I thought it would but the heat isstill there which I quite like thatwell thanks for all your cookies youguys were gonna deliberate now andfigure out who’s the winner thank younow it’s time to talk about the guys andhow they did the next Frankensteincookie the thing that I didn’t like wasalso the same thing I loved I loved howeverybody tasted different I like to besurprised but I bit into a few bitesthat were terrible I didn’t like thecranberry I didn’t get any cranberry butI just need the presentation it justdoesn’t look like anything it looks alittle sloppy to me but this looks likeone of the first cookies I made when Iwas 5 years old it looks like the kidsperfect for a bake sale this one forsure what stands out for me is thebutter content I mean you could relieveI mean that really brings out a lot offlavor for it that nice little hint ofpeanut butter really complements thechocolate it just stayed in the oven abit too long and then let’s talk aboutthisoatmeal granola bar hiking buddy it justcrumbled though it did have nothingholding it together the first eversun-dried cookie yeah again cookie verycreativesupermost created out of all of them Ilike the pecan and the no aside the mostI mean cuz Eugene did extra credit hemade two cookies and I will say thishalf was really balanced I reallyenjoyed it even though it pushed theboundaries of what is a cookie based onthe cookie criteria this is a pancakethat’s a granola bar that’s a bagel okaybut have we made our decision I think wedo know number one so there is a littlesuspense because there almost isn’t anumber three there’s a four a and a fourbe pleased you guys could also say thatthey tied for third place there are nolosers there are two third places sowe’re gonna start with fourth place butjust know in your heart you’re alsothird yeah you’re also sick wait theother third oh my gosh I’m gettingnervous this is for b3b are you kiddingmemajorly a texture thing that it’s moreof a pancake and the cranberry and itwas a little uncouth reeking cranberriesand the whole doesn’t feelhoodwink so hard right now some bytesit’s a bit like an audition room I guesswhen they say you did greatWow thank you very welcome now moving onto third place which we decided was theoatmeal cookie now this was because thetexture again is confusing in a borderlined being a granola bar wasn’t sweetenough and very dry and a lot ofcinnamon so splitting the hairs wedecided that this one is a hair more ofa cookie I don’t know what I’m gonna doI am so happy to hear that I totallycrushed Zac in his bottom two is notbottom one so I will take third placeI’m thrilledI just cannot handle the thought of evergetting fourth place only thiscompetitions now for the winner this wasactually a unanimous decision by all ofus the top two cookies were excellentthis cookie the chocolate chip peanutbutter cookie was incredible excellentbutter content of flavors of the peanutbutter and the Chocolate were absolutelysuperb this one creativity through theroof the two flavors of cookies werefantastic we loved both cookies but forus it was very unanimous that the winnerof this challenge is[Music]Wow right congratulations thanks judgestoday for eating our cookies for givingus your wonderful thoughts it was justthe first episode we got a whole seasoncoming at you we got bagels we got icecream and we got cakes and you bet yourbuns you’ll see a little bit more ofdaddy’s favorite make sure to subscribeto that’s right guys without a recipewithout a recipe next week on without arecipe is the Jewish national food it’sour a man well I’m gonna get salmonellaI don’t care about most things but todaythis matters to me[Music][Music][Music][Music]you