Cookies Recipes

The Fastest Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe | Only in 5 Minutes, with Special Refika Technique!

I have found an incredible way to make chocolate chips cookies less than 5 minutes. With Refika’s technique, I have prepared three different types of cookies and I strongly suggest you to try. I promise it will be the fastest one, you have ever made.
Enjoy the video 😍


Chocolate Chip Cookie with Lavash
2 lavash 130 gr (4,5 oz), (flat bread, wheat tortilla )
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons tahini
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon butter
30 g (1 handful, 1 oz.) roasted peanut
40 g (1,5 oz) bitter chocolate
For chocolate chip cookie pizza
2 tablespoons cream chocolate
1 mini lavash

• First heat oven to 250 C (482 F) degree, upper and lower with the fan.
• Tear 2 lavashes and put to the food producer
• Add 2 tablespoons of water and pulse them until you have a dough for the cookies. First it is going to be crumbly. But do not give up and continue to mix them until it becomes like doughy.
• After that add 1 tablespoon of room temperature butter, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of tahini then mix them all with food processor. If you don’t have tahini you can also add peanut butter, it depends on your taste.
• With squeezing in your hand, you can test your dough if it is ready. If it is gathering and not behaving like crumble your dough is ready. Don’t knead further.
• Roughly chop 30g peanut, 40 g bitter chocolate and add to the dough. You can use salty or unsalted peanuts and bitter or milky chocolate for you cookies, all will be nice, with different tastes.
• Shape 6 round cookies and place to the oven tray.
• Bake them about 4 minutes, at the second rack from the top of the oven until get lightly brown.
• After 4 minutes, cool them down on wire rack.
• For the pizza, heat the mini lavash for a minute.
• Spread some cream chocolate to the top of the pizza and place your cookies. Your chocolate chip cookie pizza is ready.
• If you like you can keep the dough in the freezer for 2 hours and eat the dough like an ice-cream or with the ice-cream.

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Video Transcription

I have found an incredible way to make
these chocolate chip cookies in lessthan five minutes. It’s a Refika
technique and I strongly suggest you towatch this video.Before we start, I would like to ask you
to subscribe to our channel because it’sa marvelous one and I don’t want you to
miss any fun, any good information thatwe are giving here; so please subscribe.
We’re looking forward to it now we havetwo, in Turkey we call this lavash bread,
you can call wheat tortilla, floortortilla. These are 65 grams, 130 grams
two of them together. We’re going to usethis as a dough. So it’s a Refika
technique and with this technique, youcan do many stuff. So I’m tearing these
like this, if they are a bit dry it wouldbe even much better and I’m adding this
to my small food processor. I don’t knowwhether this, is this food processor? And
learning from you guys, you tell me. InTurkey, these are usually known by the
brand. So to this, because it’s like cookeddough, I want to take it back to its
origins and make it a dough. To do that, I’mgoing to add 2 tablespoons of water, like
this.First it’s small bits like this,
at this stage don’t give up, go on, we wantto make it like a dough. Now, it became
something like a dust. To this, I’m goingto add two tablespoons of tahini but if
you’re not a tahini person, you can alsoadd peanut butter, without added sugar.
You know the real peanut butters for thesports people used. To this, I’m also
adding two tablespoons of brown sugar.This is also going to give that crunchy
feeling and you know how chocolatechip cookie, you know falls apart, sugar
has a role in that too. Also to make itinto a dough a tablespoon of butter and
that’s all. And putting into this mysmall processor again and make it work.
One of the mostly asked questions iswhich products that I should use in the
kitchen. These food processes are verymuch used in Turkey but I found out in
the United States and Europe, these arealmost never used but these are very
easy to use when you do small toppingsand as the families are shrinking as
number of people living in the house isless. This is the thing that will save
your life so keep in mind and it’sbetter, if the container is small and
there are at least two pair of knives. SoI kind of made the machine do the
kneading, it’s almost ready, now lookslike this. When I squeeze this in my hand,
it becomes like a dough and tastes reallyreally nice. Yes you can eat it right now,
it’s already cooked. So the dough isready, the second part is the chocolate
chips so I’m using dark chocolatesaround 40 grams and with my knife, I’m
going to roughly chop it. There will besmall chunks and there will be bigger
bigger chunks. No, Ibelieve it goes well together so it
could be this or it could be milkychocolate as I know that you all guys
like. And now, I have 30 grams of roastednot salted peanuts. They could be salted
as well, it also tastes nice. I am alsoroughly chopping them.
So, I’m going to first put the mixtureroughly squeeze it like this and add
chocolates and nuts and just to bindthem and make them stick together, I’m
going to knead them for 30 seconds. I donot knead it very much ,why? Cause in dough
how wheat works is if you knead so much, youwake up to gluten which makes it gummy
for the cookies, you want them to likefall, you want it to crumble in your
mouth. So, I knead the dough for about 30seconds and it becomes something like
this. This is.. would you like to taste it?How does it feel? Now, you can eat it like
thisor you can like slice it and then make
it into a shape of a cookie, like this.Some of the recipes when I try to invent
them because this is like a really bigshortcut. You can use this for this
recipe but also in your mind you can getthis little salty dough into other
shapes. You can make a another salty ormaybe a bit chilly cookie or something
or use it in different ways. To be ableto discover it gives the chef to me a
really big satisfaction and for a weekI’m happy and I smile to people. That’s
how I like to invent when I was in highschool I was the physics and the math
person and I liked inventing there andnow I do the cookies. So now, they go to
the oven upper and lower heat is on, withthe fan. It’s about 250 Celsius and I put
it in the second level, almost close tothe upper level. In four minutes, the
cookies are going to be done. Probably,you can use microwave, I’m never a microwave
person, I never suggest you to usemicrowave so it’s mingles with the cells
etc etc. So I tried doingthis on the stovetop, it doesn’t work
when it is just plane, you can use the pan andadd the baking paper and then you can
make it that way but it’s never as goodas how it is done in the fridge.. in the oven.
While it’s there, I would like to showyou some other
thing and that is this. This is cookiedough what did, we do with it, we froze it.Yes, but not so much, like two hours in
the fridge. For eating like this.Now I’m going to make it taste it.
Isn’t it a trend in USA like this?I remember I saw like cookie dough recipes.
Before the plate is full, he started toeat it, anyways. It’s a bit cold, so good. I
don’t know if it come fromlavash or peanut but saltness is just
perfect, I think comes from both. Bananaalso would great with this. That’s why, we have
the bellies.Turkish one. This goes to Ms. Bahar Kitapçı, from the chef to the director.Now, the cookies are here. Whoo,
can you hear the sound, sizzling.It is, actually we have ready-made store-bought
chocolate chip cookies as well and Iwould like you guys to taste it. When
these things are freshly out, they’rereally soft. I put them on the wire rack
to cool down and not on the platebecause on the plate, when it’s cooling
down, it gives out water instead ofmaking crunchy, it will become soggy. So
we don’t want it. Enlightening moment butthe enlightenment moment hasn’t finished
yet.Now, I’m going to make something small,
there is also one more tortilla here, asmaller one and this recipe will come to
you Tunç. I’m going to throwthis to the tray and into the on for one
minute.The bottom side is now changed a bit of
color and on top now I’m going to put somechocolate. I think you have figured
out what I’m doing.I’m going to put twothen I make, I know it’s kind of stupid,
cookie dough pizza.This is what I was
trying to do make you horny, anyway. Sothese are the chocolate chip cookies,
this is one of the chocolate chipcookies that are sold in Turkey. One is
like this, the other ones like store bought, not the great version onebut in Turkey we aren’t able to find so
much. So this is the one that you canmake in really five minutes. So you
decide which ones to do it. You want togo crazy, enjoy it with your boyfriend or
something or have a bad breakup and youwant to make up for the things that you
have lost, this could do. Or your icecream person, the summer is coming you
can use this instead of an ice cream oryou can use it with ice cream you decide.
All good. So this is it.. I hope you likewhat we’re trying to do for you guys we
want to keep the recipes as simple aspossible but give small details that you
cannot find on the other YouTubechannels or on the Internet, even you
can find not so much fun. So we are doingall our best. If you like this video,
please do not hesitate to press like andif you haven’t subscribed yet, please
subscribe.There’s a shortcut here for subscription
and there’s an other video a how to makecheese from scratch here so you can go
to that. That’s all, bye!!

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