Cookies Recipes

The Best Soft and Chewy Cookies Ever/Super Easy to make 2020

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welcome back to my channel today’s videowe’re gonna be making some pink cookiesso what you’ll need is 1 egg 1 cup ofsoftened butter not melted butter talkedin butter and then this to spray yourpan and then something to make suet andthen a pan opps you make it and thisthese are the cookies will be making itokay gonna be putting your egg in there[Music][Music]okay then you’re gonna mix itso once I get the dough if I watch likean adult consistency and I smell likestrawberry and if you wanna do likeshaped cookies you’re gonna I’m likeshape them and like go for an hour buthere’s new regular cookies you just putthem on the pan like so close okay soI’m gonna bring it before I put thedough on and I got some flowers so I candip it in here so it doesn’t[Music]yeah I knew just do that alright okay soI use a mini ice cream super to likemake the cookies but you can make itround like 2324 they you know I finishedmine as you can see and I’m gonna Ialready turned on my oven and Emily infor like about like nine or ten minutesokay so my cookies are done as you cansee livin cooled down for like at leastlike two three minutes and that lookslike I’m like that seems like sugar beesokay well thanks for watching this videoI hope you liked it please likesubscribe and they’ve come

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