Cookies Recipes

Super Fun Calendar | How to Make Abby Hatcher Fuzzly Cookies! | PAW Patrol Official & Friends

Mmmmm! These cookies are spectacularly splizzacular! Follow along as we make delicious Abby Hatcher Fuzzly cookies! You’ll need an adult for this!

To bake the cookies, you’ll need:

• 1 cup of unsalted butter
• 1 cup of white sugar
• 1 tsp of vanilla extract
• ½ tsp of almond extract
• 1 egg
• 2 tsp of baking powder
• ½ tsp salt
• 3 cups of flour

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The Super Fun Calendar is the ultimate place for kids to have fun and learn, all while staying home and staying safe! Enjoy super fun arts & crafts, fun exercise videos, great games like Bingo and PAW Patrol-themed trivia, and so much more! So, stay busy, stay safe, and stay happy with The Super Fun Calendar!

Welcome to the world of Abby Hatcher, where Fuzzlies are real and everyone knows it! But Fuzzlies usually see the world differently than humans, which is often the source of wild and funny shenanigans! But luckily for everyone involved, Abby Hatcher is the ultra-adorable Fuzzly! When things go sideways or a Fuzzly inflates to twice its size, Abby Hatcher is there to help save the day! Don’t miss the excitement, adventure, and downright hilarity in Abby Hatcher!

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Video Transcription

it’s the spin-up or Superfund calendarthere’s always something fun to do Ortoncrafts for this activity ask yourparents for helpmy favorite hi friends today we’re goingto show you how to make and decorateyour very own fussy cookies at home nowlet’s get to itfirst things first we’ll need to use theoven you’ll only make this recipe if yourun an adult tale to make the cookiesyou’ll need to start by preheating youroven to 350 degrees spin in a bowl use amixer to cream 1 cup of butter and 1 cupof white granulated sugar until smooth[Music]this should take about three minutes[Music]add one teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/2a teaspoon of almond extract and one eggto the bowl continue to mix untileverything is nicely blended if you’reallergic to nuts or don’t like almondsfeel free to leave the almond extractout in a different bowl combine 2teaspoons of baking powder 1/2 ateaspoon of salt and 3 cups ofall-purpose flour time to make our doughadd the dry ingredients to the wetingredients a little at a time the doughshould be very stiffif it becomes too stiff for your mixerput the dough onto your counter andfinish kneading the dough by hand nextit’s important not to chill the doughonce the dough is formed divide it upinto smaller batches roll out the doughonto a floured surface until it’s abouta quarter-inch thick then use a cup tocut your cookie into a perfect circle[Music]baking time transfer your cookies to abaking tray and pop them in the oven forsix to eight minutes they should be softand just on the verge of turningslightly golden brown once the cookiesare done let them cool on the bakingtray until they’re firm then transferthem to a cooling rack[Music]excellent work so far now it’s time tomake the icing in a large bowl mixtogether ten tablespoons of water 3tablespoons of meringue powder and fourcups of powdered sugar mix the icing onhigh for about one to two minutes whenyou lift your mixer out of the bowl theicing should drizzle down and smooth outwithin 5 to 10 seconds like this oncethe icing is ready cover it up with adamp cloth because it’ll dry out fastnow it’s time to add color to the icingwith a bit of red yellow blue and violetfood coloring you can create all thecolors you’ll need in small bowls mixthe icing with red and yellow to makeorange for the body blue to make lightblue for the eyes all the colors to makea very dark purple for the pupils andred with white icing to make a lightpink for the mouth great leave about 1and 1/2 cups of icing in the main bowlas you’ll need white icing to startremember to keep your bowls covered withdamp cloths when they’re not being usedonce your colors are ready it’s time tofill your piping bags we use number 1and number 3 piping tips for all thebags brains bark if you don’t havepiping bags cutting out wall into theof a sandwich man it works just as well[Music]first up white put your white icing intoa piping bag and cover your cookies witha thin layer you can use the tip of yourpiping bag to smooth out any bubbles letthem dry for about two to three minutesif they’re taking longer to dry you canalways pop them in the fridge to helpspeed things up next we need to draw ourfuzzy use orange icing to create theoutline of the fuzzy and then fill inthe center looking good this fuzzy meetsome blinkers let’s get them eyes useblue icing to draw a slightly largercircles like this then let the icing setcan’t forget the mouth use pink icing togive this buzz Lee a big bright smilenow for the pupils use black or superdark purple icing to make slightlysmaller circles so you can still see theblue around them to finish things offwe’re gonna add a sparkle in each eye ohand we can’t forget an adorable toothlike thisand there you have it a cute anddelicious batch of your very own fuzzycookies there’s only one thing left todothanks for watching cookies and don’teat your cookies all at once now okaysee you next time don’t forget to Likeand subscribe[Music]

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